Let's change it up a bit!
* Are you an Aunt/Uncle? -Yes, I have one nephew
* Can you do a cartwheel? -Ha no.
* What was the last movie you saw in theaters?-Beowulf
* Do you eat vegetables regularly?-Everyday
* If you were going to get a piercing, where would you get it?-I guess my more in my cartilage.
*Do you ever hang out with someone of the opposite sex? - Obviously.
* What is the weather like right at this very moment?- Cold and extremely windy
* What is something that you can't wait for?- Tomorrow...it's payday :-D
* How many times have you been to Canada?- Once
* Have you ever had a reptile as a pet? - Not going to happen.
*What is your favorite fruit? - I like them all
* What song is on your MySpace profile right now? - I think it's Sugarland-Settlin'
* Who was your last missed call on your cell phone? - My mom
* Where are you most ticklish?- I'll never telllll, no seriously, I'm not telling.
*How many hours a week do you normally work?- Depends on the work load.
* Out of every one of your friends, who is the most like you?- Megan
* Do you have deep dark secrets?- Don't we all have secrets? None of mine are dark though.
*When was the last time you were sick? - Earlier in the week.
* What color is your car? Blue, when it's clean at least it is.
* When's the last time you had a deep conversation?- I had one with my mom not too long ago.
* Have you ever gotten caught sneaking out ?- Never needed to sneak out.
* What makes you the happiest?- God, Friends & Family
*Where do you want to be right now?- Anywhere but at work that's for sure.
* Have you ever finished a Rubik's Cube?- A few times, but I was much younger and my brain wasn't muddled by grown up crap.
* When was the last time you rode a bike?- A while.
* Do you have any vacation plans for this summer?- I want to go to the beach!
* Where were you 1 hour ago ?-Home freaking out because I woke up late.
* Do you kiss a lot of people?-Uh, no.
* Are you wearing socks right now?-Yes! They're cute too. Blue stars...T bought them for me.
*When was the last time you went out of state?-Last year.
* Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?-No, but I've bought some.
* What was the last thing you had to drink?-Hm, I think Friday at Mim's. She knew I needed help unwinding I think. Too bad we both nearly fell asleep.
* Describe what you are wearing in detail:-Why? Are you stalking me?
*What was your last purchase?- A pumice stone...hush, mine broke.
* Last thing you ate?- CrazyFire last night with Tara
*Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? - Tara bought me socks and a shirt :-D
*Three words to explain why you last threw up?- Wasn't My Choice
* What is the equation for the Pythagorean theorem? -A2 + B2=C2
* What was the last movie you watched?- Either Open Season or Hoodwinked.
* Do you think Barbie is a negative role model for young girls?- Only if she hasn't had reinforcing thoughts growing up, it's up to the mother to tell the girl she's beautiful no matter how she looks.
*What kind of car does your father drive? Uh...I don't know? My Step-Dad drives a HUGE truck though.
* Do you like scrabble?- I suck at that game.
*Where did/do you attend high school?- Graham High
* Favorite scent?- Clean, Cinnamon, Jasmine
* Do you like mornings?:- I prefer them.
* Last television program you watched?- The 6 am News
* Spell your name with no vowels:-Km
*Does your neighbor have an animal that annoys you?- No, I love chester and whatever the other one is named...you don't see him much.
* Something you can't live without? -Oxygen and Water?
* Do you wear flip flops constantly:- Lol, yeah it's sort of sad.
* Do you know cody delisle?- No.
* Do you have air conditioning in your room?- Uhm, yes?
* Where were you when 9/11 happened?- Teaching Autistic children with Megan, we thought it was a sick joke on the radio. And then I cried hoping and praying my aunt wasn't at work that day. She wasn't.
* How often do you read books?-Not nearly enough
* Do you like James Blunt?- He has too much of a winey voice for me.
* Ever been friends with sluts?-Excuse me?
* Describe the computer you are currently using:- Work=Crap
* How long does it take you to get ready to go out?- Depends on the destination
* Will you donate your organs after you pass?- If they are able to use them, yes.
* Have you been outside of the USA?:- Canada counts right?
* Would you ever get your nipples pierced? - That would be a no.
No me gusta...
Much Love,
PS I ate at Taco Bell on Church Street right before I got sick...beware.
A new life anthem
Graduation- Good Riddance
My room mate's near death experience- A Gaelic song she will sing ever so often
My best friend Megan and my Mom- Drops of Jupiter (I swear everytime we are thinking of one another the song comes on)
My Grandmother's Death- Arms of an Angel
Mim- Over the Rainbow...but the Katherine McPhee version...even though Mim does it better than her
You get the point, but I have decided what my theme for my life should be right now...and although I'm not as big of a country fan as I once was. There are still groups that I love. Sugarland being my main one.
I declare the anthem of this moment of my life: "Settlin'" by Sugarland. Below is the video...
By the way...
The dream started out that I had met this guy somewhere and we were walking down a residential street, he pointed to my right to a house. His sister lived in a house directly across the street from him. As we were walking into his house, I remember seeing paintings going up a staircase (literally on the stairs), we walked up to the second floor and into his room he was looking in his closet for something to wear. I turned around and suddenly I was at one of my old work places (often referred to as the Warehouse), but it had been turned into a bar. Sitting on a stool beside of me was my old boss and she was holding a picture of her father and with a rug. Then she said to me "they killed him to steal his rug", as soon as the words left her mouth I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to find the guy whose house I was at before. And he put a cigarette out in the ashtray beside of me and I woke up.
I remember I focused on the shape of the crumbled cigarette butt, and it felt like I knew this guy before and now we were reconnecting on a different level some how. I didn't see his face just dark hair and dark eyes.
Weird? Yes. But I have a feeling it meant something, I just can't put my finger on it. Why would someone say they killed someone for a rug? Any suggestions?
Wednesday's Thoughts.
Which brings me to my next thought: Is life ever really so bad you have to turn to something so hasty and irresponsible? Now before I get attacked for saying that, take in consideration what I am saying. And this is completely my own opinion, but why not reach out for help? Even if it was on the slight chance an overdose. And viewing some of the factors this is looking less and less likely. There are so many avenues of help these days things like this shouldn't happen. No matter how deep you are, someone can and is willing to help you. But you have to bring yourself to the help, no one will know unless you tell them.
Some help lines:

RIP Heath

Changing the subject:
**The printing went great! And they are almost ready to go out in the mail, which is awesome considering usually we never were able to print until late in the week before we had to have them out.
** Anyone else surprised by how much winter weather we've had so far this year?
** It's official...I'm addicted to Webkinz, I find myself trying to work my day around when I need to do what to my pet or my pet's stuff. Ridiculous.
** I want more pets...I used my entire lunch hour yesterday look for the ones I want. And I will be going to BrainTrain today at lunch...
** I had to get a new headlight yesterday but the plus side is I also got a dome light so I can see when I am getting in and out of the car in the dark.
**Just realized I need to clean my car
**Still waiting on my W-2 from B&BW, I have a feeling I'm not going to get it until Feb.
**I am hoping they catch that Marine who killed the woman and child. And even though I'm not for capital punishment...he is a great example why we still have it.
They're saying there is still ice out so be careful travelling to work today!!
Have a great day!
Much love,
Monday's blah.
So my company party was last Friday. It was fun, but Tara made me stay the entire time. I don't like the people I work with that much and I'm definitely not that social of a person. Lol. Tara ended up being a lot of single women's escorts, it was hilarious. Here are some snapshots from the night.

My Roommate/Escort/Keeper of my drunk butt in line and me.

They were dancing to music that wasn't dance music. And a very good example of that guy's email last week.

My boss and my roommate dancing.
But overall it was a great time, the music was too loud so I ended up with a headache for half the night. And that's how I know I'm getting too old to stay out that late with people from my work place, I was thinking of ways to shut them up.
It snowed!!! No really! No ice was in with it, just snow! That never happens in North Carolina. I decided to take pics of it before I went to the awesome sale going on at JCPenney's with my cousin and her daughter.

It was beautiful!

It was too wet to actually play in but it was still nice to look at, and it snowed for hours. For the remainder of the day I sat on my couch with a nice beverage and watched it. But then my cousin had finally convinced me to get my webkinz registered on the website. Which is interesting and extremely addicting.
Woke up extremely early to find my roommate wasn't home yet. Apparently someone had used the nonexistent icy roads to call out on 3rd. So she had to work a double. Which confused me considering that building is no longer her responsibility. But she never listens to me anyway so I kept my comments to myself. I ended up on my hands and knees polishing and cleaning the floors (I have wood floors btw). They needed really bad. Why I went ahead and did it is beyond me, they're just going to be dirty again today. I sort of miss carpet, I said sort of.
Well I better get ready for work and let me car warm up, since it is only 17 degrees out (Holy Crap!!)
Much Love,
P.S. If something goes wrong with the printing...there will be an update.
"Don't forget to buy your drinks"
Good Morning all you wonderful people! Why am I so cheery, you may ask. Well that would be because of four reasons:
1. Today is Payday!!!
2. Today is also the Company Party aka the CHRISTMAS party(...still pisses me off I can't call it that)
3. It being the company party means I can drink and eat, for free! And have a chance of winning money!
4. and the fact that I am making Tara come with me means I can drink!! And I have a driver! Wohoo!
So I forwarded an email earlier this week to Mim, it was stating the ground rules for the party. Which were hilarious, because apparently we have a few 'drinkers' that work for the company. At the bottom of the email it reads:
"Remember to keep two things in mind:
Ø Monday morning you will see most of the attendees again, including your boss, so drink responsibly.
Ø Do not Bring Your Own Booze to the party or parking lot. This is verboten. If you or your guest brings alcohol onto ACC premises, you will both be asked to leave."
Wow. Need I say more? I swore we were all adults. After the open bar has closed we now have to purchase drink tickets. Which I would think might be sort of embarrassing to some, who really wants people to know how much they've had to drink? And the prices are crazy:
Wine/Mixed- $4-6
I didn't get a bonus...but I did have to buy my own drinks! Wohoo what a great company.
Anyway, should be a good time either way. I'll be sure to take pictures to post on here and my myspace page.
Have a fun and safe Friday!
Much Love,

That looks like snow but it isn't. Lol. Everyone stay safe going to work today. I'm off to get my stuff done.
Much Love,
Did you see it?! It was right after he said "Hello...*dramatic pause* Paula". Was anyone else creeped out or just me? Anyway, I guess I will watch the Texas tryouts tonight...in spite of myself. Damn reality tv. :-)
And everyone think winter weather for tomorrow!!!
Much Love,
So these next two weeks shall be considered as "hell". The "hell" part of it all depends on tomorrow's trail run for reporting. Sucks. We have to start back at square one...again. Hopefully everything will run smoothly and I won't have to write a rant blog about how much my program can bite me. :-)
And I decided to start weight watchers again to help me in my quest. Mostly because right now I can't afford a membership at the gym I want to go to. So walking at lunch 3 days a week (at least) and starting the program again should help. And what kills me is my laziness in cooking, well and the fact that all the stuff that is good for you is like $10 more than the other stuff. Which makes no sense whatsofreakingever. If it's better for us, make it flipping cheaper!
My mom dyed her hair back to its natural color. Which sounds normal to most of you out there, however it was a major shock to me. Not that it looks bad, in fact it looks awesome! I've never seen her with our natural color. Ever. In the past 23 years on this earth she's always been blonde. And though my hair is naturally very light brown (ok I lied I was born with extremely dark blonde hair), her hair is actually very dark. So yes, shocked is not the word. She looked like my grandmother too, and I was able to finally see why everyone says we really look alike. And that is freaky. Lol.
Yesterday, I had lunch with my dad. Just me and my dad. It was awkward at times but nice to actually talk to him.
Ok going to get back to work :-)
Much Love,
What's this? A Saturday post?!
I have to say, this book was quite dark and at times slightly disturbing. But it was hard to put it down once I actually got into the storyline. At first I had the same problem I did with 'Wicked', trying to step outside of the story I knew already to understand what he was writing. Many things were the same, there were two stepsisters and the evil step-mother was, in fact, evil. But other than that the book takes you on a dark and twisted but fun ride. It was very entertaining and addictive. I definitely recommend it. :-)
Next up: 'Son of a Witch'...yay! Of course this is after I clean. Also Tara bought the anniversary edition of Labyrinth! So hopefully we'll be able to watch that tonight after the cleaning is finished. We're doing the winter version of spring cleaning. I'm sick of the house being like this. So we're going to fix it. :-D and then I'm going to relax.
Have a great weekend!!!
Much Love,

I am so excited to read this. I adored 'Wicked', and he has such a great way of writing. The other book he has out is 'Mirror Mirror' (obviously about Snow White's story)...screen shot of that book...

Which will totally be on my list to buy next.
So, I'll give you guys a review for 'Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister'...yay! And if anyone wants to buy me something for no reason whatsoever...'Wicked' is always welcome. :-D
Now off I go to clean my house and have a glass of wine...
Much Love,
Oh look...it's Tuesday

I swear this child sleeps through anything! And she has the longest fingers I've ever seen.

She refused to let her little sister go, no one else was allowed to hold her.

And she wanted to watch Noggin with her baby sister and Grammy.
And they are definitely going home today. Which is wonderful, I just hope people will leave them alone long enough for them to adjust to Cadence being in the house. They need family time. :-)
On to the post for the day...
I only have a few things to say about my job right now...and it's that it is driving me insane. Why some people are able to carry on their bloodline is beyond me. But the government still has not made the test that people should take before being able to have children yet so these people can, in fact, have kids to carry on their stupidity. And I would just like to say that scares me for our future.
I have been seriously teetering on the edge of being depressed recently. I don't know why, so I am not able to explain it to you. It does have to do with many principles in my life, not just a set reason. It seems that all these things are building up and I'm starting to crack under the pressure. It's evident in my work ethic, my house work, and my relationships with my friends, family and otherwise.
I have lost all interest in work, I used to care how well I did my job and making sure that I came out on top...now it's meaningless. It's like something is missing in my life and happiness is not achievable. The house is a mess, because I just can't stay focused on cleaning. I get so angry because I'm doing it by myself all the time. My friends and family try to keep me in the loop of things but the harder they try, I feel myself trying even harder to withdraw. It's not that I don't want to be part and it's not that I don't want to see them or spend time with them, I just can't. I've always been a loner. And I guess my subconscious is trying to get me back to that, even if I don't want to be alone anymore. It's always been about how I can do this and how I can achieve that. Never a we, us or together we can. And that, quite frankly, is a bullshit way of thinking. I always thought happiness was winning in everything you do, but now I feel that I'm wrong. And maybe failure shouldn't be my greatest fear...maybe my greatest fear should be not ever knowing true happiness. All these years I've been thinking I couldn't fail at what I did, because happiness was found in the rewards. Now I find myself questioning where my happiness is. I'm on top...so why am I not happy? Don't get me wrong, I'm content with my life right now. But I do honestly wonder if my chance at true happiness has already escaped me. If when I was so focused on not failing at everything else, the chance slipped through my fingers without my even knowing it.
Anyway, I still have loads of work to do after being out sick last week.
Have a great day,
She's Finally Here!

Dad was a little unsure of how to do it, but he got along fine. :-)

Big Sister meeting her baby sister for the first time and when she was asked if her sister was pretty she nodded and said "Hers bewtiful".

I'll post more pictures tomorrow after I see them again today. I know there weren't any close up. But give me a break she had JUST been born, I didn't want the flash to scare her. :-)
And yes, I am much better!! I didn't touch her yesterday just in case I was still carrying the bug I had. I did take pictures of Megan also, but I can't do that to her...she was looking a bit rough (for obvious reasons). Lol.
Everyone have a wonderful day!!
Much Love,
Out of my misery...cont.
....Please take me out of my misery...
Another upside is that my parents are finally back from CA so at least today I can sleep throughout without having to worry about the animals. And they remembered to bring me the Oklahoma University hoodie, I've been begging for the past three years. Hopefully, I will at least feel a little better tomorrow. I have to go to work, this is killing me.
Someone help....
Ugh...already sick
On the up side we finally have a rug in the living room...and if I didn't feel like hell ran over me, I would take a picture. Tara's passed out on the couch because she was nice enough to give up her bed to me last night, it's the warmest room in the house.
Well, I'm going back to bed...hopefully I'll actually sleep.