

So these next two weeks shall be considered as "hell". The "hell" part of it all depends on tomorrow's trail run for reporting. Sucks. We have to start back at square one...again. Hopefully everything will run smoothly and I won't have to write a rant blog about how much my program can bite me. :-)

And I decided to start weight watchers again to help me in my quest. Mostly because right now I can't afford a membership at the gym I want to go to. So walking at lunch 3 days a week (at least) and starting the program again should help. And what kills me is my laziness in cooking, well and the fact that all the stuff that is good for you is like $10 more than the other stuff. Which makes no sense whatsofreakingever. If it's better for us, make it flipping cheaper!

My mom dyed her hair back to its natural color. Which sounds normal to most of you out there, however it was a major shock to me. Not that it looks bad, in fact it looks awesome! I've never seen her with our natural color. Ever. In the past 23 years on this earth she's always been blonde. And though my hair is naturally very light brown (ok I lied I was born with extremely dark blonde hair), her hair is actually very dark. So yes, shocked is not the word. She looked like my grandmother too, and I was able to finally see why everyone says we really look alike. And that is freaky. Lol.

Yesterday, I had lunch with my dad. Just me and my dad. It was awkward at times but nice to actually talk to him.

Ok going to get back to work :-)

Much Love,


Miriam said...

Yay for joining WW again. I've adopted the principles but I didn't feel like adopting the weekly payments. So hopefully it will still work!


cmrpaul said...

Good luck this week. I'm not really looking forward to this entire month. Blah.