

So despite my hate for American Idol (this is only since Chris Daughtry's being voted off which was COMPLETELY not right...anyway), I found myself watching it intently last night. Its sad to think that I get my kicks from watching people who genuinely believe they have talent having their dreams killed on national television. But I do, sue me. There were a few performances that are stuck in my mind that just left me shaking my head. One was the Alexis girl (I refer to her as "Glitter Woman") she was my age, but looked like she was in her mid 50's. And of course the Star Wars girl, I can't remember her actual name...but wow. She reminded me of a person that I had been very good friends with a long time ago. But I have to say, out of all the hopefuls or rejects I should call them, the one that stands out the most in my mind is the Stalker guy. He seriously creeped me out! And there is one part of his "performance" that had me suddenly bubbling with laughter. It reminded me of a skit done on MadTv with Michael McDonald, he was on the Lillian Verner Game Show dressed as this large red furry thing. And the look this guy gives Paula a few seconds before he began to belt out his very own song he had written especially for her, is the exact same look Michael had with his character. Here's the clip

Did you see it?! It was right after he said "Hello...*dramatic pause* Paula". Was anyone else creeped out or just me? Anyway, I guess I will watch the Texas tryouts tonight...in spite of myself. Damn reality tv. :-)

And everyone think winter weather for tomorrow!!!

Much Love,


Miriam said...

You know I'm thinking Winter Weather tomorrow! And of course I have a meeting that I cannot miss at 1 on Thursday...BOO!


cmrpaul said...

Holy craaaaaaaaaap!