
A new life anthem

I don't know about anyone else, but I relate my life to music. Everything that has ever had a huge impact on me has a theme song. Examples? Ok I have a few.
Graduation- Good Riddance
My room mate's near death experience- A Gaelic song she will sing ever so often
My best friend Megan and my Mom- Drops of Jupiter (I swear everytime we are thinking of one another the song comes on)
My Grandmother's Death- Arms of an Angel
Mim- Over the Rainbow...but the Katherine McPhee version...even though Mim does it better than her

You get the point, but I have decided what my theme for my life should be right now...and although I'm not as big of a country fan as I once was. There are still groups that I love. Sugarland being my main one.
I declare the anthem of this moment of my life: "Settlin'" by Sugarland. Below is the video...

Here's a link to the words:http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/sugarland/settlin.html

1 comment:

Miriam said...

I just recently downloaded that version and seriously I must toot my horn. She's good, but I'm better...ha! I'm so modest today :)
