
By the way...

I forgot to write a post about the dream I had last night. It was very strange and I want to know what your thoughts were about it. I'm going to look it up in a while...

The dream started out that I had met this guy somewhere and we were walking down a residential street, he pointed to my right to a house. His sister lived in a house directly across the street from him. As we were walking into his house, I remember seeing paintings going up a staircase (literally on the stairs), we walked up to the second floor and into his room he was looking in his closet for something to wear. I turned around and suddenly I was at one of my old work places (often referred to as the Warehouse), but it had been turned into a bar. Sitting on a stool beside of me was my old boss and she was holding a picture of her father and with a rug. Then she said to me "they killed him to steal his rug", as soon as the words left her mouth I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to find the guy whose house I was at before. And he put a cigarette out in the ashtray beside of me and I woke up.
I remember I focused on the shape of the crumbled cigarette butt, and it felt like I knew this guy before and now we were reconnecting on a different level some how. I didn't see his face just dark hair and dark eyes.

Weird? Yes. But I have a feeling it meant something, I just can't put my finger on it. Why would someone say they killed someone for a rug? Any suggestions?

1 comment:

Miriam said...

Maybe it means that someone from your past is going to pop into your life again. But in a good way? I'm so bad a dream interpretations.
