
Ugh...already sick

Ok...it's only the 2nd day of the year and I'm already sick as a dog. I was up all last night. It was horrible. I'm afraid to go to work, just because I don't want to pass this along if it's a bug. This is the WORST month for me to be sick. It's the busiest time of year for me, I have to prepare all of these tax things for work. I am seriously freaking out. I rarely call out, so when I feel like I need to...I'm sick. Unfortunately my car broke down Friday and cost approx. $300. I'm broke, so no doctor visit for me.

On the up side we finally have a rug in the living room...and if I didn't feel like hell ran over me, I would take a picture. Tara's passed out on the couch because she was nice enough to give up her bed to me last night, it's the warmest room in the house.

Well, I'm going back to bed...hopefully I'll actually sleep.



Miriam said...

Oh honey, feel better!


cmrpaul said...

Oh blech! Feel better and try not to stress out. When I get sick around my work's busy times it's usually stress-induced. So relax, get plenty of rest and fluids and soup and feel much better!!