Can you believe the year over? It seems like it just flew by. So many changes have taken place, it sort of blows my mind. I've made new friends and had new family come into the world but unfortunately lost a bit of both along the way as well. The changes that can take place over a year is unbelievable and sometimes humbling. This past year, have been one of my more trying ones. It's sort of amazing to think back and see how if I had been younger many things would have made me crumble under the stress and pain. Regressing is not what I'd prefer to do right now, but with that said...I'm stronger than I've ever been before. It took a while, but my head is above the water and I'm proud of myself, it doesn't matter why...just that I am. You can be told millions of times that you've done a good job, but until you truly feel you have accomplished the best you know can be done it doesn't matter. With that said-
"Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind, should auld lang s..." well you know the rest. :-)
Please be careful if you're going out tonight, get a DD- aka Taxi! Lol.
What a freaking week. And I'm only talking actual days of work, all 3 of them.
Was it just me, or does anyone else think it didn't feel like Christmas? Which is sad. Maybe it was because I didn't go to a church service? Or maybe because most of my family wasn't able to come in so they came in on Thanksgiving instead. Any reason, it was still good to see the friends/family that were able to make it.
Work wise this week seriously sucked. My closing (on the financial end) is today. I'm losing my mind with this crap. People can really be idiots, and I've stated that before...but never before have I meant that with such passion. Why would you screw yourself financially by not providing a piece of paper with a little information on it. It's really simple...and takes about 2 minutes. It gets to the point where I will prepare myself for the rude comments or for the denial of information. And I have to hold myself together long enough to give them a big spill of how we now can hold any and all payments made within the entire year and going forward as well as turning the information over to the IRS...most people suddenly change their tune. Which is hilarious and pisses me off at the same time. It's quite simple really, threaten their income...get results. :-)
My parents are in California right now. Which must be great for them, well maybe not for my step dad. Lol. My mom went out on a run with him. And he's probably ready to tear his hair out. But in the wake of their leaving, I've been put in charge of feeding their minions (aka the animals or my siblings if you ask my mother) I swear she treats them better than the rest of us. She has an entire list of things that are to be done BEFORE and AFTER feeding them in her special way. Which changes from week to week depending on the weather or her thought process. It is ridiculous. I'm an animal lover and an animal advocate, do not get me wrong. But there is a line that should not be crossed. They are animals. I am not going to sit there and encourage a dog to go to the "bathroom" in the woods and nearly follow them out there. Not something I care to see/hear/think about. He isn't a child that needs help being potty trained.
This ipod thing is really neat. I feel like I was stuck in the stone ages when I say that. But it's amazing the technology that has gone into this little thing. It can hold tons of songs...and it's the size of my Listerine pocketpak!
Apparently my father (biological- yes we actually saw each other on Christmas...scary right?) got one of these at work and decided to regift it to me, which is fine by me. It's small enough I can use it when I'm cleaning the house or working out, which leads me to my next random thought to write about...
So, Tara and I have both decided to get our gym memberships reinstated. I know...I know...I'm always the advocate for loving yourself as you are and changing nothing but for yourself. And this is for myself. The risk of diabetes run strong in my family as well as cancer. So, if I start taking better care of myself now maybe I'll have a fighting chance against having either. And when you feel that you look better, you do. My confidence has fallen too much over the years and I stopped caring for too long. It's time to bring myself back to who I was. :-) I'm still eating cheese damnit. They can kiss it. Lol. It is NOT a New Year's resolution. I do not believe in those. It's too commerical, and fabricated. This is soley for my gain (err...loss?), so excuse me for being greedy. Hehe.
Mim and her hubby came by last night, which was great. It definitely gave me a pick up. :-) I missed seeing them. Even if I was killing stuff on WoW while they were there. And they got their little gifts we got them. I was more excited about giving her hubby his present then hers...I felt like I cheated her :-( which wasn't the case I suppose. I did at least find her some grapefruit stuff, Lol.
Well, I should really be working now. Being it's closing and all, and I have to leave early to take my room mate to the doctor. But before I go let me leave you with a bit of music that has been in my head for days now...
I PASSSSSSEEEEEDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay! After the rather disappointing week I've had, I am so glad I got this. I am not going into why I'm disappointed, just know that I am. :-/ So yesterday I went shopping after work, mostly because...I can. I was starting to get bummed out because I couldn't really find anything that I wanted (you know how it goes, if you have the can't find anything) But I found this dress that is perfect for the holiday party at work. I loved it. Tara said it looked great on me (which is a stretch considering I do not do dresses often) but here's a shot of it... And T and I were discussing projects we need to do around the house. First and the most obvious is the bathroom. We have really got to paint, get a new sink, do something about the cabinets etc etc. Then the next project is the building/garage. The termite damage is massive with it. What we are planning to do is tear down that building and put a new one there. And make the new building into a game room. :-D!! As in have a bar, pool table, darts, tv (etc) out there. I'd rather have the new building inside the fence, that way the dogs can also use it as a virtual dog house. Doggys living in style, lol. This all will of course happen after we fix the living room, we plan on getting rid of the entertainment center and moving the couch around a will give so much more room. This comes with a new tv... and a new entertainment system. Wohoo!! Can't wait.
Well I think I've rambled enough for now. I'll write more later on I suppose.
Hi everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!! I'm in a rush so not much typing will be done... Here's a slide show of my family(ies)Christmas
And here's a slide show from a new tradition some friends and I started yesterday! Chinese food on Christmas night!
Last night my roomie and I opened presents to each other. Mostly because she'll be working on Christmas. We didn't do the stockings, so we still have something on Christmas Day. She didn't want to, but I I was so excited! I couldn't wait until she opened up her "Big" gift. Which was a coffeepot that actually would make coffee instead of spitting coffee grinds and water everywhere in the kitchen! She doesn't know it yet, but she has one other present. ;-).
Yesterday was a very sad day. One of my roomie's employees (and a very dear friend of hers) and an ex co-worker of mine, lost her son in an apartment fire in Burlington. Jaden was only 5 years old. It is hard to fathom living through something like this, Sherrie was at work when she received the call that the apartments were on fire. Her husband, Edward Shoffner, has 3rd degree burns over most of his body. I believe it was 70%, but I'd rather not be quoted on that. Mostly because with that percent the survival rate is very low. Usually at 30% they give you a 50/50 chance of living. This is going to be the hardest thing she has ever gone through, please keep her and her family in your thoughts and your prayers. When God calls little children, To dwell with Him above, We mortals sometimes question, The wisdom of His love, For no heartache compares with The death of one small child, Who does so much to make our world, Seem wonderful and mild, Perhaps God tires of calling The aged to his fold, So He picks a rosebud, Before it can grow hold, God knows how much we need them, And so He takes but few, To make the land of Heaven, More beautiful to view, Believing this difficult, Still we must try, The saddest word mankind knows, Will always be "Good-bye"So when a little child departs, We who are left behind, Must realize God loves children, Angels are hard to find. Author unknown
We also found out another employee is virtually homeless. She left a very abusive relationship recently, and she and her 14 yr old son now have an apartment out in Efland. She has walked from Efland to Burlington to work...they have nothing. Thankfully, someone has found it in their heart to give her rides. Not even beds to sleep in. The son sleeps on a mattress on the floor and she sleeps in an old recliner. Saturday we will be collecting new and used things to give them to get them back on their feet. The son is short but very skinny, food, beds, clothes, coats, toys, anything to help them. The collection will be held for the rest of the week. (consider them as your Christmas Cheer family) We will also be collecting money for Sherrie and her family (she has a daughter also) or if we receive doubles for the Cheer family, we will donate it to Sherrie as well. Please tell everyone you know and if you are able to help, please contact myself or my roommate Tara.
1) You do a lot, not least of which are things for others. Define the perfect day just for you. -Well, the main reason why I do more things for others than for myself is because it gives me the satisfaction of knowing I've made them happy. Actually, I had an almost perfect day Sunday. To lay around watch tv until later in the afternoon, go around town with someone who makes me smile, then watching movies/people making complete arses of themselves. :-D
2) We know the who ;) but when/where/why/how did you fall for Gerard Butler? -Hehe, well actually I love Gerard Butler because of his diversity of the roles he plays. But I have to say him playing the Phantom in Phantom of the Opera (2004), I like the mysterious nature of him too.
3) If you could live anywhere else in the world, no strings attached, where would it be and why? -Oh definitely Ireland. No question, I love everything about the myths & legends as well as the breath-taking country side.
4) Best concert you've ever seen? -It's a tie between Aerosmith and a two local bands (Flashpoint & 3 Day Funk-Hey look Scott I'm plugging for you Lol-) I loved Aerosmith because ever since I was a child I had heard them (my mother has an obsession) but the awe of having them that close to me completely threw me. And I loved the local bands because of the personal feeling. :-)
5) What was your favorite thing to do when you were little? -Hmm, great question. I really wasn't a normal child. Lol, big surprise right? I would play that I was a psychologist and have sessions with my barbies. It was really odd looking back now. My grandmother used to say I was her personal therapist.
First of all- Holy crap it's cold again. I suppose we all got our wish? Lol. Ok here's the recap: Friday- Was mom's last day at work, so John and I devised a plan to have balloons(and all that great crap) and have dinner. I sat there for about 30 flipping minutes and apparently Mom was so upset about leaving this new lady there, she was freaking out. Which of course caused a disagreement, because John knew I was waiting to surprise Mom. And she didn't. So trust me that caused such a 'relaxed' dinner. After that I went home and passed out. Saturday- Megan's baby shower day! I woke up about 2am that morning, and in turned woke Tara's butt up too. And we went to Walmart. Fyi, 3am is a great time to go shopping there. Frantically trying to find crap for the shower. The punch refused to come out right. I tried remaking it 3 times and finally just said screw it. And Brandon being a wonderful little helper grabbed some 2 liters, lol. His grandma is sort of insane, she kept talking about someone who got a pine needle in their eye from the Christmas tree...with all the rest of us scratching our heads. Apparently this person had to go to the hospital had to go to the hospital because of it. Anyway, it went well and Cadence has a lot of crap, Lol. Here's some pics!
I hate it when people are still cute and 8 months pregnant!! She by the end of it she was beginning to hate pink, lol.
And Abby was getting restless and wanted presents too, so I gave her one of her Christmas presents to keep her happy for a while. It was a cash register, and I had the hardest freaking time getting into it. *points below* that would be me cussing under my breath.
But it made her happy, and that's all that matters. Everyone left about 7ish, and I had to enlist the help of Scott via AIM to keep me awake. Lol. (give me a break, I had been up since 2am!!) Sunday- I did absolutely NOTHING until right at 1:30 when I finally took the little ornaments over to Scott's. And pretty much stayed with him for the rest of the day. I drug him to Westpoint Stevens (Who doesn't have crap, don't waste your time!) and the poor guy tried to help me find a gift for my dad. Not an easy task considering I hardly know anything he likes. Golf...and eating fish. That's the extend of my knowledge. But I did get him socks? Lol. Somehow I was talked into watching Jackass 2...which was funny when they weren't puking or eating crap. (no, I'm serious). But it was fun. :-) and did you know a shot of cherry vodka will open up your sinuses? ;-) Lol.
Ok off to work I go. Here's some Monday music to get you through the day.
Ok, I'm spent. I didn't realize how high my stress level actually was until I tried to go to sleep last night. I was so tired, but I still couldn't rest. But there's no use in complaining...not like it does any good, right? I'm just thankful this week is almost over.
Today is my mom's last day at work. She's been working there for nearly 15 years, and she is entirely too stressed about leaving. I went to visit her yesterday after my exam. She gives them too much credit. Her boss (es) are assholes, they treat everyone there like scum. Maybe I'm just protective. But they even treat my step-father as if he is meaningless and not worthy of being in the presence of them (no let me rephrase, one in particular). To make it worse the one that is the bigger snob, has his oldest son working there. He and I practically grew up together (hello...need I reiterate, nearly 15 years) and we've always gotten along, that is until he hit 18, it's like that family is programmed to automatically become stuck-up. I can't stand it. You can have all the money in the world, and still not have love and happiness. And for that my family will have more wealth then those guys could ever imagine.Anyway, I'm proud of my mom staying there as long as she has. She works hard and deserves to finally be able to rest, though if I know my mom she will refuse to rest.
I had sent a text to Dana a few days ago asking what she was doing tonight, I want to go to greensboro to see 3 Day Funk's show. And she tells me Camy is coming in from ND!! Yay!! I love Camy, she is the sweetest person you'll ever meet. I haven't seen her in a couple of years, since the time Dana and I went to Va Beach to see her. So I'm very excited. Maybe I can talk them into going. Lol.
(Have you ever been so tired you can't focus on one subject, just continually jump around? If no, congrats you're seeing into the mind of someone who is doing that)
When I left my mom's work yesterday and went to Flying J for smokes and something to drink, I saw like 5 police cars come barrelling into the parking lot. Apparently someone had tried to steal gas? Since when has that needed 5 cops? Isn't that a little much? It's not like it was a hostage situation.
Want to know how to tell if your house is unlevel? Try putting up a Christmas tree and making it even...I had to use old VHS tapes to even it out. I wish I were kidding.
DAMNIT! I just remembered I forgot to give Scott those ornaments. Crap.
I guess I was finally pushed to my breaking point yesterday with Tara. I just lost it. I came in and she hadn't done ANYTHING...I mean nothing. All she has to do chore wise is do the laundry, dishes and take out the freaking trash. I went insane for a few minutes. And I called her freaking out...bad move on my part. I should have waited until I calmed down a bit. But damn, I understand she is working a lot...but so was I and I still was able to find time to clean the things that needed to be cleaned. (Can you imagine if I hadn't done the litter box? Ew. Or the freaking sinks or toilet? Ugh) She got upset, I felt like an ass. And I made her cry...not purposely, and I don't think it was about cleaning that got her that upset. I think it was when I told her it was time for her to show her ass at work about the conditions they are putting her in. It isn't fair. I love her dearly but I'd be damned if I was work two and a half shifts four to five days in a row and then lay down and not say a word about it killing me. She told me they kept threatening her job because of the outrageous overtime she has, and I asked her if she told them WHY she had the overtime. She said she finally did Tuesday. And still nothing's done about it? Apparently you didn't get mad enough. She said she was tired, and I do not doubt that. I feel horrible for her, but at the same time I don't anymore. She has got to step up and maybe go even higher in the chain than what she is now...this isn't healthy for the residents or herself.
So I'm getting closer to being done with my shopping. (Yay!!) I have four more people...and then I'm done!
Maybe I should have put bullets for all of this random crap...
Anyone have any ideas for a gift for my father? I know he likes golf...and to eat fish? Lol...I'm kind of lost after that.
Yes Scott...I still want the blow up penguin. (had to add that in since I'm being random)
I was listening to Elvis yesterday, isn't it funny how you can tell when he's singing and he does the lip curl thing?
I need to finish cleaning...instead of going anywhere tonight. :-( I don't want to.
Oh and by cleaning I mean pushing all of the misc. stuff that has no where to go into my room. And maybe sweep again. I just saw where the temperatures are finally falling back down where they are supposed to be. 70 degrees and up is not normal...thank you Global Warming.
Ok I'm done, I need to get ready for work. Not like I care, but I guess they would appreciate it if I at least had some decent clothes on. Lol.'s the day. And my nerves are raw. I really have no idea why I freak out like this about exams. I always have, even if I was positive I would ace it. It is driving me insane, and it was completely consuming me. I feel like maybe I didn't look over it enough. It's not like I'm expecting to get a perfect score...I don't think that is possible with this. I just know the way they are going to word it is going to mess me up. They screw over analyzers like myself with questions that only need you to read the first two lines. They're like word problems back in grade school. I suckkeeddddd at those. I would read too much into them rather than just taking the numbers and plugging them in.
Well anyway, when I get off of work (yeah for half days!!!) I'm going to drop off some ornaments for the little tree I made Scott take (He was trying to be a grinch and not have one...not happening :-D ) and go home and begin the cleaning process for Megan's baby shower Saturday. I'm going to be doing it alone, which doesn't surprise me. I know Tara feels bad about it. But it's hard enough to clean the house alone with two people and four animals living here, and let's add to the mix people who I've never met before or who have never been to my house and that equals a freak out on Kim's part. Not that I don't love my friends dearly...but once they've seen the house in the nice state, it'll never happen again. Lol. I'm going to have to lock the dogs outside and move the cats to the back room. And figure out where the hell I'm going to fit all these people.
...and do the 5 celeb crushes blog. Everyone else now officially has one, why am I holding out on it? Away we go... - Mmm hot & can cook- Bobby Flay
P.S. I love how the website I got this off of has a caption for another picture that says "Bobby Flay is apparently, not gay". Lmao.
- The bad boy hottie- Johnny Depp
- The since I was a little girl crush- John Travolta
- The one I would probably studder like a moron for 20 minutes after meeting him if at that point I had not fainted yet Crush- Gerard Butler
(tehee...hehe...sorry I'm ok now)
-The yeah I'm a dork and watch youtube just to see him Crush- Jeff Dunham
So there you have it!
On to the post! So apparently last night I had a Mim moment. What is a Mim moment, you might ask. This is when you talk in your sleep, believing you are fully awake and this is really happening. I was so exhausted yesterday, between work, studying and going to see the new baby in my life (my god-sister had her baby yesterday, YAY!!) so about 8 o'clock I passed out on the couch, later waking to my sister calling me about a survey I did. When I went to bed, I kept "waking" up due to the fact my cat (Oreo) was making me reality I wasn't hot...however my roommate humored me and opened the window and brought the fan into the room. So, about 10 minutes later I apparently got up came into the living room and told her that the man in the room told me he needed help to get out of thing she knew I was passed out on the couch again. Let's put this in propective shall we? First of all, what man?! There's a freaking man in my room? Lol. And he needed help to get out...I also told her that I could feel my bed shift as if someone kneeled on it to tell me this. So I can take this one of two ways, either I'm seriously stressed out and as a result I am not only sleep walking but I'm talking about crazy crap. Or I need to get TAPS to my house pronto. Lol. Eventually she got me up again, got me to go into her room to finally sleep through the night because I was convinced some guy was in the room. And that is why she is a wonderful person! Lol. I'm sure I freaked her out. Have a great one!
It was brought to my attention that I completely left out 98 degrees in my last post. They were late comers to the boy band era, but they were very good! SO here you go Cristin!! And I definitely agree...Nick pre-jessica was super hot.
And I need to correct myself, on the Hanson front. I hated their "normal" music, not their Christmas album. I really liked that album. However, I have to all time favorite 'Pop' Christmas album would be N*Sync.
That song is great but my main reason is for this is my all time favorite Christmas song, and I love the way they did it.
And I'm not even kidding it almost brings me to tears. That song means so much to me. :-)
So I was looking through youtube...and I can't believe I just found this video... Before there was Rent, Justified, Coming out with an amazing race star, and clothing lines....we had pineapple head, the curl fro, bat boy, the quiet one and the retard. Yes my friends...I'm referring to N*Sync. And I'm scared that I actually found these videos. Shall we take a few steps back to the boy band era. You know we were all guilty of it. And it actually sparked my interest to see what all videos from boy bands were on you tube. I tried to find the oldest songs I could for this comparison between them all. So here we go: First up...obviously N*Sync...
Up Next we have who other than the Backstreet Boys: Lol, I remember seeing this video for the first time...and I made my mom get me the VHS of their stuff. It was sad the obsession I had. And may I say...what the hell happened to Nick Carter?!
And of course the final...and the most hated of the boy band era.....Hanson.... I hated these guys with a passion. Lol. However, I did have a friend who's obsession with them topped my BSB love. Which makes it even more funny looking at this video now...they still suck all these years later.
What the hell was a MMBOP anyway? Did they ever let onto that one?
Here's a bonus one...not a boy band but during the era also...
When I saw that video from the Spice Girls it reminded me of one of the first times I ever hung out with Tara. (Ok fine it was at a party) So the majority of us had been drinking...and she had went up stairs at the townhouse for something. Suddenly someone had the brilliant idea of us playing music...this music being the Spice Girls. So she came down stairs and found all of us lined up, dancing and singing this song. Yeah, and now you know why I don't drink ;-) Lol. So now let's all give thanks for that era being over...
Have a great day! And I hope these songs are stuck in your head now...because they're stuck in mine...damnit.
I have had this song in my head for weeks now, I even had to add it to my myspace profile thinking maybe it would help...but to no avail. Maybe the video will help?
No! I didn't help, at least it's a decent song lol. Between that song and Default Wasting my time...driving me insane lol.
First let me say...holy crap it's cold outside! So we let the dogs in again last night. And I finally took a picture lol. Aren't they cute? Of course, as soon as the flash went off they started freaking out, but at least I got a shot of it. Lol.
Ok, so yesterday I put in my notice at B&BW. I didn't want to quit...then again I was sick of the "conditions" for all of us seasonals. We couldn't ask for days off, we never really knew what our schedule was going to be, they didn't respect the times and days given that I could work, and most of all...I just had too much on me. Which is completely my fault. I should have known better, apparently I'm not as young as I thought I was lol. It was beginning to bring down my performance on my primary job and I couldn't let that happen. Especially not if I want to continue my education through this company. It sort of sucks, then again I need that little bit of time. It upset the CSL that I gave my notice to, and she wanted me to come back next year...but unfortunately because I'm only giving a week's notice I'm not eligible as a rehire. Unless they make exceptions. But who knows.
Anyway, so I went allllll the way up to B&BW to 'work' because I was told I was needed yesterday...and as soon as I walked through the door they were like "Oh you didn't get our message?" ARGH!!!!!! So I went allllll the way back home. And when I was about a block away, my roomie calls me and says "Oh btw Time Warner is at the house waiting on you" Wtf?! She forgot to tell me this! We had to get a new box (hell yeah it's HD, and we are getting the correct tv to go with it) he was very polite and even waited at his truck until I had the lights on...for my safety of course. Actually, he was the nicest person I've ever dealt with from that company. Which surprised me considering everyone I've everhad to deal with were buttholes.
Anyway, I just got a validation back from the big dogs in I guess that means I need to get to get to work. Bleh. Have a great one!!
Yeah, do I even have to say it? Bleh, Monday. :-D Here's the recap: Friday- (yeah I know holy crap she's starting on Friday?) Scott and I went to dinner and went to see Beowulf...yes I know, I waited that long after being so convincing of my going to see it that night. But it was worth it, I had a great time. :-) (Note to self...need picture of Scott...)
Saturday- Had to work at B&BW...which sucked. However, about part way through my shift I had a visitor...Scott came up there to see me :-) And bought a candle? How's that working out for you by the way? Lol. When I finally got home, I tried to buckle down and study...yeah, right. I guess I kept having 'Ohh shiny' moments (as Tara calls them) and I just couldn't focus. Here's a reminder, the test is on Dec 12 *bangs head on desk*.
Sunday- Tara finally gets a day off, poor thing. She's been working double after double and it's killing her. So what makes it better? Sushi! Well at least for me it makes it better. So we head up to a fave place of mine and Mim's (which fyi I tried to call you to invite you along), I made her turn her cell phone off so she could at least eat in peace. And it was great... :-) Yeah I totally plated this just to take a picture. Lol.
So we are about to leave and of course we have to do the fortune cookie thing. Mine said something about not being so considerate of others or whatever, and then Tara opened hers:
And it said "Girlfriend" and I'm not even kidding. I laughed so hard I was crying at that point. It was hilarious, of course in this picture you can see she didn't think it was quite so funny.
Later on we went by the Dollar store looking for cheap Christmas stuff to put outside. I'm sorry but I'm not spending a lot of money on stuff that is just going to get broken, stolen or faded...not going to happen. And here's the finished product!
Here's some more of the inside of the house...and yes we got a few more ornaments!
That's about the jest of it, hope you guys have a great day. And keep your fingers crossed I don't have to work tonight!!
Hi! Welcome to my thoughts, you should probably be afraid...but hey it could make for some entertaining times. I'm 23 and I work in the Insurance field, I have so many special interests it's crazy. I'm known for the following quote: "I'm not asking for acceptance, I'm just asking for respect", that goes for me and my friends too. If you can't respect either of us, I have no place/time for you. :-) Pretty simple, eh?