
Ok, Freaking out now...

Well...today's the day. And my nerves are raw. I really have no idea why I freak out like this about exams. I always have, even if I was positive I would ace it. It is driving me insane, and it was completely consuming me. I feel like maybe I didn't look over it enough. It's not like I'm expecting to get a perfect score...I don't think that is possible with this. I just know the way they are going to word it is going to mess me up. They screw over analyzers like myself with questions that only need you to read the first two lines. They're like word problems back in grade school. I suckkeeddddd at those. I would read too much into them rather than just taking the numbers and plugging them in.

Well anyway, when I get off of work (yeah for half days!!!) I'm going to drop off some ornaments for the little tree I made Scott take (He was trying to be a grinch and not have one...not happening :-D ) and go home and begin the cleaning process for Megan's baby shower Saturday. I'm going to be doing it alone, which doesn't surprise me. I know Tara feels bad about it. But it's hard enough to clean the house alone with two people and four animals living here, and let's add to the mix people who I've never met before or who have never been to my house and that equals a freak out on Kim's part. Not that I don't love my friends dearly...but once they've seen the house in the nice state, it'll never happen again. Lol. I'm going to have to lock the dogs outside and move the cats to the back room. And figure out where the hell I'm going to fit all these people.

Well, wish me good luck...off to work I go.

Much Love,


Miriam said...

Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck.

You're going to do awesome!


Stubbs said...

If all else fails...Cheat! -Scott :)

Kim said...

Scott! I can't cheat!That's wrong Lol.And besides...they have people in there. ;D