- Mmm hot & can cook- Bobby Flay

P.S. I love how the website I got this off of has a caption for another picture that says "Bobby Flay is apparently, not gay". Lmao.
- The bad boy hottie- Johnny Depp

- The since I was a little girl crush- John Travolta

- The one I would probably studder like a moron for 20 minutes after meeting him if at that point I had not fainted yet Crush-
Gerard Butler

(tehee...hehe...sorry I'm ok now)
-The yeah I'm a dork and watch youtube just to see him Crush-
Jeff Dunham

So there you have it!
On to the post! So apparently last night I had a Mim moment. What is a Mim moment, you might ask. This is when you talk in your sleep, believing you are fully awake and this is really happening. I was so exhausted yesterday, between work, studying and going to see the new baby in my life (my god-sister had her baby yesterday, YAY!!) so about 8 o'clock I passed out on the couch, later waking to my sister calling me about a survey I did. When I went to bed, I kept "waking" up due to the fact my cat (Oreo) was making me hot...in reality I wasn't hot...however my roommate humored me and opened the window and brought the fan into the room. So, about 10 minutes later I apparently got up came into the living room and told her that the man in the room told me he needed help to get out of there...next thing she knew I was passed out on the couch again. Let's put this in propective shall we? First of all, what man?! There's a freaking man in my room? Lol. And he needed help to get out...I also told her that I could feel my bed shift as if someone kneeled on it to tell me this. So I can take this one of two ways, either I'm seriously stressed out and as a result I am not only sleep walking but I'm talking about crazy crap. Or I need to get TAPS to my house pronto. Lol. Eventually she got me up again, got me to go into her room to finally sleep through the night because I was convinced some guy was in the room. And that is why she is a wonderful person! Lol. I'm sure I freaked her out. Have a great one!
Much Love,
Yay for Mim Moments!. Although that one is kind of scary. You felt someone kneel on your bed? Geez!
Yeah really. She said I was distressed over it. It was freaky! The only thing I really remember is standing in the middle of the living room on the way into her room.Creepy...
Mmm Captain Jack and Gerard Butler are big AGREEs with me:)
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