Was it just me, or does anyone else think it didn't feel like Christmas? Which is sad. Maybe it was because I didn't go to a church service? Or maybe because most of my family wasn't able to come in so they came in on Thanksgiving instead. Any reason, it was still good to see the friends/family that were able to make it.
Work wise this week seriously sucked. My closing (on the financial end) is today. I'm losing my mind with this crap. People can really be idiots, and I've stated that before...but never before have I meant that with such passion. Why would you screw yourself financially by not providing a piece of paper with a little information on it. It's really simple...and takes about 2 minutes. It gets to the point where I will prepare myself for the rude comments or for the denial of information. And I have to hold myself together long enough to give them a big spill of how we now can hold any and all payments made within the entire year and going forward as well as turning the information over to the IRS...most people suddenly change their tune. Which is hilarious and pisses me off at the same time. It's quite simple really, threaten their income...get results. :-)
My parents are in California right now. Which must be great for them, well maybe not for my step dad. Lol. My mom went out on a run with him. And he's probably ready to tear his hair out. But in the wake of their leaving, I've been put in charge of feeding their minions (aka the animals or my siblings if you ask my mother) I swear she treats them better than the rest of us. She has an entire list of things that are to be done BEFORE and AFTER feeding them in her special way. Which changes from week to week depending on the weather or her thought process. It is ridiculous. I'm an animal lover and an animal advocate, do not get me wrong. But there is a line that should not be crossed. They are animals. I am not going to sit there and encourage a dog to go to the "bathroom" in the woods and nearly follow them out there. Not something I care to see/hear/think about. He isn't a child that needs help being potty trained.
This ipod thing is really neat. I feel like I was stuck in the stone ages when I say that. But it's amazing the technology that has gone into this little thing. It can hold tons of songs...and it's the size of my Listerine pocketpak!

Apparently my father (biological- yes we actually saw each other on Christmas...scary right?) got one of these at work and decided to regift it to me, which is fine by me. It's small enough I can use it when I'm cleaning the house or working out, which leads me to my next random thought to write about...
So, Tara and I have both decided to get our gym memberships reinstated. I know...I know...I'm always the advocate for loving yourself as you are and changing nothing but for yourself. And this is for myself. The risk of diabetes run strong in my family as well as cancer. So, if I start taking better care of myself now maybe I'll have a fighting chance against having either. And when you feel that you look better, you do. My confidence has fallen too much over the years and I stopped caring for too long. It's time to bring myself back to who I was. :-) I'm still eating cheese damnit. They can kiss it. Lol. It is NOT a New Year's resolution. I do not believe in those. It's too commerical, and fabricated. This is soley for my gain (err...loss?), so excuse me for being greedy. Hehe.
Mim and her hubby came by last night, which was great. It definitely gave me a pick up. :-) I missed seeing them. Even if I was killing stuff on WoW while they were there. And they got their little gifts we got them. I was more excited about giving her hubby his present then hers...I felt like I cheated her :-( which wasn't the case I suppose. I did at least find her some grapefruit stuff, Lol.
Well, I should really be working now. Being it's closing and all, and I have to leave early to take my room mate to the doctor. But before I go let me leave you with a bit of music that has been in my head for days now...
Much Love,
You know I loves me some grapefruit stuff! :)
And we miss you too and that is definitely why you need to join us for New Years!
Hoo-rayyyyyy for iPods!!
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