It's moving time...
So I was finally talked into trying out wordpress. So I'm not going to delete this blog yet...I just will not be updating it either. Here's the web addy for my new one: http://stormiekim.wordpress.com/ . Who knows maybe I'll come back to blogger :-)
How Exciting!!!
Totally found it!!! YAY! See, I told you it was possible! Check it out: 

It's exactly what we need, I sort of wish it had a few more shelves in the center of the console table, but beggers can't be choosey. Oh how I love Target.com! I would have put the link here...but blogger is being stupid and had me thinking I didn't remember how to do it but thankfully Mim proved to me that I wasn't insane this morning.
And she finally has picked out her tv, we gauged (size wise, definitely not price wise) them at Best Buy and have come to the conclusion nothing smaller than 42" because I'm blind and can't see it. Lol, we make the best excuses.
Unfortunately I don't have much time to write, I have a deadline on the 28th with the IRS. Ick.
Much Love,
Well then..Hump Day Thoughts
So, I was reading my local newspaper this morning to see they have finally released the list of those who were busted on Valentine's Day in this major drug sweep in our county. I'm not sure what upsets me more, the fact that these people are poluting our streets with that filth or the fact that I know quite a few of them...and I'm not surprised.
We still haven't found what we need (furniture wise) for the living room. And it's starting to seriously bum me out. I have the picture of it in my mind, I just can't find it. And I'm hard headed, so she can't talk me into anything else. We're going to look at a few other places today after work maybe we'll get lucky and agree on something.
Because of the intense winds we've been having, a section of the siding on the house has raised up again. Normally this wouldn't upset me, things happen. However my stepfather aka my landlord had "fixed" it a long while ago. Apparently not good enough. And we're still waiting on the light in T's room to be fixed, the porch light to be fixed, the lawn being seeded, the roof on the building to be fixed, the mower's choke to be fixed, the mulch..etc etc. The list could go on and on. I'm going to hurt him. :-)
I thought my cat was dead yesterday. I've had her for 16 or so years...so it wouldn't have surprised me. She had burrowed under T's covers on her bed and at first I couldn't find her but when I did realize where she was, I poked at her a few times. Nothing. I poked her again. Nothing. At this point I was getting upset so I just ripped the covers off the bed and she sat up and looked at me like I'd lost my mind.
I guess I should get to work, so much to do so little time to do it.
Much Love,
We still haven't found what we need (furniture wise) for the living room. And it's starting to seriously bum me out. I have the picture of it in my mind, I just can't find it. And I'm hard headed, so she can't talk me into anything else. We're going to look at a few other places today after work maybe we'll get lucky and agree on something.
Because of the intense winds we've been having, a section of the siding on the house has raised up again. Normally this wouldn't upset me, things happen. However my stepfather aka my landlord had "fixed" it a long while ago. Apparently not good enough. And we're still waiting on the light in T's room to be fixed, the porch light to be fixed, the lawn being seeded, the roof on the building to be fixed, the mower's choke to be fixed, the mulch..etc etc. The list could go on and on. I'm going to hurt him. :-)
I thought my cat was dead yesterday. I've had her for 16 or so years...so it wouldn't have surprised me. She had burrowed under T's covers on her bed and at first I couldn't find her but when I did realize where she was, I poked at her a few times. Nothing. I poked her again. Nothing. At this point I was getting upset so I just ripped the covers off the bed and she sat up and looked at me like I'd lost my mind.
I guess I should get to work, so much to do so little time to do it.
Much Love,
Yeah exactly. There are a bunch of other pics but I didn't feel like posting all of them, you'll have to check out my myspace for them. (Yes, I had a DD...that pic of the very obvious drunken look was in my car with me in the passenger seat...no I don't remember that one either)
What's sad is that I never drink, so it really didn't take me long to get smashed and stay that way. I only drink when I know T or my friend Megan are going to be there. They're the only ones who can keep me in line. Lol.
Have you ever noticed that whenever you are trying to do something nice for someone there is always that one damn person who can make you feel like what you're doing is insignificant? Well in my case there's two. And both happen to be mothers. Yes, please groan with me. I really can't go into detail what I'm talking about at this point. But seriously, if this crap blows up in my face...I will lose it. Especially after all the crap I have had to do, strings I have pulled...etc etc. Either way, if you were included in my mass email I sent out in reference to a certain subject and it offended you. Pardon me, it was not my intention.
Although I must say, this project of mine has really had a great start! And I'm beginning to get excited.
Hopefully T will be receiving her settlement check soon so we can get the house moved around. And a new tv also sweetens that deal. :-D
Everyone have a great day!
Much Love,
Oooohhh Ahhhhh.... *clap clap clap*
So I went to bed last night at about 9:30ish, mostly because I was feeling sorry for myself for the upcoming day. Yep today is Valentine's Day. La De Freaking Da. This holiday means NOTHING to someone like myself. I haven't had a Valentine in quite a few years. Although a few years ago my roomy and another friend got me a kitten (Donovan), which was sweet. This morning I woke up feeling sorry for myself as usual, when I heard my phone beeping from missed messages. One was from my boss another was a missed call from my cousin down the street. It had snowed!! Check it out!

That one pic of our stairs in the front of the house, that's actually ice. And the roads are just a sheet of ice. I was seriously standing out there going "Ohhh Ahh" hence the title for this post.
Anyway, back to my hatred of Valentine's Day. This year my roomie got me something that has to be my 2nd favorite gift EVER. Donovan of course coming in first. She got me these:
Chocolate covered fortune cookies!! How cool is that? Love it!
I got her a giant Hershey Kiss.
Her love for Hershey Chocolates is sort of scary and on the obsessive side. Lol. Then again she is from PA, I guess it's some sort of code she has to live by. :-)
It's still only 24 degrees outside, so I'm going to waiting until at least sun up. And I totally just sent pictures to our local news channel of our yard. Hehe.
Everyone be safe and have a happy V.day.
Much Love,

That one pic of our stairs in the front of the house, that's actually ice. And the roads are just a sheet of ice. I was seriously standing out there going "Ohhh Ahh" hence the title for this post.
Anyway, back to my hatred of Valentine's Day. This year my roomie got me something that has to be my 2nd favorite gift EVER. Donovan of course coming in first. She got me these:

Chocolate covered fortune cookies!! How cool is that? Love it!
I got her a giant Hershey Kiss.

Her love for Hershey Chocolates is sort of scary and on the obsessive side. Lol. Then again she is from PA, I guess it's some sort of code she has to live by. :-)
It's still only 24 degrees outside, so I'm going to waiting until at least sun up. And I totally just sent pictures to our local news channel of our yard. Hehe.
Everyone be safe and have a happy V.day.
Much Love,
Coldhearted or No?
Yesterday was a typical Monday, my mom had let me know she had gotten me a little something for the holiday I protest every year... Valentine's Day. As we were in the middle of emailing one another trying to decide when to have lunch (We try to do that every few weeks) and suddenly she sent me an email telling me that she had just found out her aunt had died Sunday. Can you see where this is going yet? I gave my sympathy but I really wasn't sure what else to say. I didn't really know her. I know I'm supposed to feel bad about it, but really I'm not. I'm more upset for my grandfather with this being his first sibling passing. He had a close call with his twin who has cancer...which is in remission. And my mom is fairly upset, but she is sort of like I am. I told Mim about it yesterday and asked if I was seriously that coldhearted. I know I can be, but this is completely unintentional. Opinions?
So as I was trying to relax last night after a fun filled weekend of home repairs. (Please note the sarcasm) I was channel surfing, and I came across TCM (turner classic movies) and do you know what was playing...on TCM? Nightmare before Christmas!! I was excited at first then suddenly I realized, Nightmare before Christmas is on TCM? Since when is that movie considered a classic? So I hit the info button and I see that the movie was made in 1993. Have you ever had that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach? Yeah, exactly how I felt about that moment in time. It has nearly been 15 years since that movie came out. Holy cow. I bet you cringed when you read that one.
So Saturday we decided it was time to try out Tara's new yard toy the almighty leaf blower. Apparently this thing can either blow or suck up the leaves and mulch them. It was awesome!! It took about 2 hours but we got the front yard done. And we realized something as we were working (I was too short to hold the stupid thing so I had to get the sticks out of the piles) there was a clean straight line of leaves between our yard and our neighbor's yard...that S.O.B. had been blowing his leaves into our yard!!!!! I wanted to behead him. Apparently he thought we wouldn't notice. Tara, always the level headed one, said we couldn't prove it and even if we could what could we do about it. Bleh, in the end he did end up getting our mulched up leaves. He actually wanted them for his rental property on the other side of us. So, not only did he get the leaves he also got the sticks too. Moral to this story? There isn't one. Just that I am evil in my own right.
Sunday: Was the day to caulk. The wind was blowing so hard our house was whistling. Not cool. Completely explaining why our gas bill this month was right at $200. Uh yeah, I nearly cried. So as Tara caulked in the kitchen and back porch area, I was on my hands and knees scrubing the floor. I woke up this morning and wanted to die. I'm sure she will feel it when she gets up later today. She had to work part of 2nd and most of 3rd shift last night, so I'm being nice and not waking her up. Although she still has the back yard to suck up the leaves and mulch them. And the bathroom still needs to be caulked before we can paint. :-)
Hope everyone has a fantastic day.
Much Love,
So Saturday we decided it was time to try out Tara's new yard toy the almighty leaf blower. Apparently this thing can either blow or suck up the leaves and mulch them. It was awesome!! It took about 2 hours but we got the front yard done. And we realized something as we were working (I was too short to hold the stupid thing so I had to get the sticks out of the piles) there was a clean straight line of leaves between our yard and our neighbor's yard...that S.O.B. had been blowing his leaves into our yard!!!!! I wanted to behead him. Apparently he thought we wouldn't notice. Tara, always the level headed one, said we couldn't prove it and even if we could what could we do about it. Bleh, in the end he did end up getting our mulched up leaves. He actually wanted them for his rental property on the other side of us. So, not only did he get the leaves he also got the sticks too. Moral to this story? There isn't one. Just that I am evil in my own right.
Sunday: Was the day to caulk. The wind was blowing so hard our house was whistling. Not cool. Completely explaining why our gas bill this month was right at $200. Uh yeah, I nearly cried. So as Tara caulked in the kitchen and back porch area, I was on my hands and knees scrubing the floor. I woke up this morning and wanted to die. I'm sure she will feel it when she gets up later today. She had to work part of 2nd and most of 3rd shift last night, so I'm being nice and not waking her up. Although she still has the back yard to suck up the leaves and mulch them. And the bathroom still needs to be caulked before we can paint. :-)
Hope everyone has a fantastic day.
Much Love,
Just another day?
I actually had a completely different post in mind today, but I received an email this morning from my Aunt in New Mexico. And it flipped my train of thought. It was pictures from 9/11 and it startled me. Most definitely not something I wanted to regress to so early in the morning. The message in the email was interesting as well. It was telling stories (whether they're true or not, I'm not sure...but the point was brought home) on why certain people survived the attacks. One guy was late because his son had just started school, another guy had to stop for donuts because it was his turn to get them, another guy had gotten a blister from a new pair of shoes...etc. The end of the slideshow said something that I've been told many times before. But some how I have gotten so wrapped up in myself, I've forgotten.
"So, Now when I am stuck in traffic, miss an elevator, turn back to answer a ringing telephone...all the little things that annoy me...I think to myself, this is exactly where God wants me to be at this moment."
How true is that? Or have you really never thought about it? How many times have you been delayed by something so annoying as forgetting to turn off the coffee pot and having to go back in, or stepping in gum and having to take those few moments to get the nasty crap off your shoe. And then get into your car, and drive a couple minutes down the road only to see a fatal car accident that happened just moments before? That could have been you. And no matter how annoyed and late you become from these slight delays, there are always reasons. I remember very vivdly the first time that happened to me, though I'd rather not share it. Let's just say, I shouldn't be here. But apparently I haven't completed his plan for me, and there is still more good I can bring.
Yesterday I met my roomy's new boss. I had to give her a ride home because her brakes were out. And she started telling him about the work I had done for their company, and the look of appreciation clouded his face and he shook my hand and thanked me for being so understanding. I've never wanted praise for what I've done. Just as long as I was helping someone, that's all that matter to me. It made me blush actually, I've never thought what I did was extraordinary...but maybe I was wrong. It does take a patient person to deal with the type of residents that I worked with during the time I was interning there. But I loved doing it, it wasn't a job to me. And as much as I miss it, I know I could never do it again. He asked me to come back, but I've grown too soft hearted now. A few years ago, completely different story. And although I'm still cold hearted towards many subjects (i.e. Death, mental illness) having to explain what is going on with the family is always the hardest.
I guess my point of this blog is to remind you, no matter how hard the times may hit never forget you're not alone. And if you're the one on the other side helping the person remember this quote:
"Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not." Oprah Winfrey :-)
Happy Friday Everyone!
Much Love,
"So, Now when I am stuck in traffic, miss an elevator, turn back to answer a ringing telephone...all the little things that annoy me...I think to myself, this is exactly where God wants me to be at this moment."
How true is that? Or have you really never thought about it? How many times have you been delayed by something so annoying as forgetting to turn off the coffee pot and having to go back in, or stepping in gum and having to take those few moments to get the nasty crap off your shoe. And then get into your car, and drive a couple minutes down the road only to see a fatal car accident that happened just moments before? That could have been you. And no matter how annoyed and late you become from these slight delays, there are always reasons. I remember very vivdly the first time that happened to me, though I'd rather not share it. Let's just say, I shouldn't be here. But apparently I haven't completed his plan for me, and there is still more good I can bring.
Yesterday I met my roomy's new boss. I had to give her a ride home because her brakes were out. And she started telling him about the work I had done for their company, and the look of appreciation clouded his face and he shook my hand and thanked me for being so understanding. I've never wanted praise for what I've done. Just as long as I was helping someone, that's all that matter to me. It made me blush actually, I've never thought what I did was extraordinary...but maybe I was wrong. It does take a patient person to deal with the type of residents that I worked with during the time I was interning there. But I loved doing it, it wasn't a job to me. And as much as I miss it, I know I could never do it again. He asked me to come back, but I've grown too soft hearted now. A few years ago, completely different story. And although I'm still cold hearted towards many subjects (i.e. Death, mental illness) having to explain what is going on with the family is always the hardest.
I guess my point of this blog is to remind you, no matter how hard the times may hit never forget you're not alone. And if you're the one on the other side helping the person remember this quote:
"Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not." Oprah Winfrey :-)
Happy Friday Everyone!
Much Love,
Are you ready for November?
If you're questioning the title, apparently you've never voted before. Yesterday was Super Tuesday (and Fat Tuesday too). As I was watching the news this morning, the republican in me freaked. Yes, I do realize most of my views are too radical to be considered a republican. But I am what I like to call an "Independent Republican". Anyway, as I was watching the news...my gut kept telling me to pack up and move to Canada. Has anyone really looked or heard our choices for both sides of the fence? Yeah exactly. I haven't either. And I almost forgot to register!! Here's the website to get the information to print and send in for registration.
Don't forget to do it!! Your vote does count. We control our own futures, listen to each person carefully...it's easier to get through the bs to the truth.
Happy Voting!! :-)
Much Love,
Don't forget to do it!! Your vote does count. We control our own futures, listen to each person carefully...it's easier to get through the bs to the truth.
Happy Voting!! :-)
Much Love,
It seems like my entire mind frame has become complete muck. I'm having the worse time focusing on one thing, and it's completely out of character for me. So please excuse the spastic nature of this post.
I saw a commerical this morning for something called "Castle Carnevale"( http://castlemcculloch.com/) it looked so neat! You get to dress up in middle age clothing and basically party at a "Castle". I went to the site for the event and the first picture you see is this one:
Which of course excited me. I absolutely love the clothing and feel of that time period and anytime I'm able to go to a festival or something of that nature I try to do so. I love masquerade masks and such. And I know I didn't have this blog when I dressed up for Halloween a couple of years ago as Christine from Phantom of the Opera just to be able to make a mask. (Which is now in my shadow box) Something about the mysterious nature of masquerade balls and parties are so appealing to me. It's also very comforting in the same sense. What? That doesn't make sense to you? Well, let me explain. You have always heard the expression of hiding your true self behind virtual masks everyday. In this setting the point is to be someone else for the night. No one will know you, so you can let your inhibitions go and not worry the consequence. (No...this is NOT meant in any sexual way, get the thought out of your head...now!) But for someone like me, who is very reserved it gives the chance to let my hair down so to speak. :-)
My roommate and I have a friend who actually makes garbs for a living, I am thinking about contacting her for a price on borrowing a couple from her. She makes beautiful period clothing, and if I were able to access myspace at work I would share the link, I may update after I get home tonight to do that.
So hopefully my mom and stepdad will be back in town soon. I don't mind taking care of the animals while they're gone, but the gas is killing me. And quite a few people are work were given tickets to tomorrow nights Duke vs Carolina game...and I was not one of them. Irks the bloody hell out of me. I'm a huge Carolina fan and my stepdad is a huge Duke fan. It would have been fun to take him. :-)
Have a great day,
I saw a commerical this morning for something called "Castle Carnevale"( http://castlemcculloch.com/) it looked so neat! You get to dress up in middle age clothing and basically party at a "Castle". I went to the site for the event and the first picture you see is this one:

Which of course excited me. I absolutely love the clothing and feel of that time period and anytime I'm able to go to a festival or something of that nature I try to do so. I love masquerade masks and such. And I know I didn't have this blog when I dressed up for Halloween a couple of years ago as Christine from Phantom of the Opera just to be able to make a mask. (Which is now in my shadow box) Something about the mysterious nature of masquerade balls and parties are so appealing to me. It's also very comforting in the same sense. What? That doesn't make sense to you? Well, let me explain. You have always heard the expression of hiding your true self behind virtual masks everyday. In this setting the point is to be someone else for the night. No one will know you, so you can let your inhibitions go and not worry the consequence. (No...this is NOT meant in any sexual way, get the thought out of your head...now!) But for someone like me, who is very reserved it gives the chance to let my hair down so to speak. :-)
My roommate and I have a friend who actually makes garbs for a living, I am thinking about contacting her for a price on borrowing a couple from her. She makes beautiful period clothing, and if I were able to access myspace at work I would share the link, I may update after I get home tonight to do that.
So hopefully my mom and stepdad will be back in town soon. I don't mind taking care of the animals while they're gone, but the gas is killing me. And quite a few people are work were given tickets to tomorrow nights Duke vs Carolina game...and I was not one of them. Irks the bloody hell out of me. I'm a huge Carolina fan and my stepdad is a huge Duke fan. It would have been fun to take him. :-)
Have a great day,
Finally Friday
I'm so excited that the weekend is here. Last night my room mate bought something that we have been wanting ever since we moved into the house last June. Ready?? A leave blower. Yeah, it's a sad day when you get excited about having a leaf blower. 
She also bought her dogs a new doggy bed. And they were more than willing to try it out for me to take a picture.
You'll have to excuse the messy nature of their doggy bedroom, that's one of our four projects we have planned for the weekend.
Plan #1- Clean the back room (aka the doggy bedroom). This includes: boxing up old books, moving one of the book cases into my room, moving all the other crap either into the garage or taking it to charity.
Plan #2- Begin the bathroom. This includes: doing a major scrub down, buying paint (and obviously painting), recaulking, going to the 'Re' Store to see if there is some sort of cabinet the fit into the sink (hard to explain right now...ask me and I'll tell you what I mean). I think we have pretty much decided what type of feel we are going for in there.
Plan #3- Yard clean up-Phase 1. This includes: Blowing the leaves AWAY from our yard, cleaning up dog leavings from back yard, deciding on how we are going to do the back yard for the near future.
Plan #4- Semi-Spring Cleaning. This includes: putting crap in the attic from back room and else where, cleaning both rooms spotless, and figuring out how the heck to reorganize Tara's room to give her more space.
So a packed full weekend. It looks like a lot but it's not that bad.
Have a great and safe weekend.
Much Love,

She also bought her dogs a new doggy bed. And they were more than willing to try it out for me to take a picture.

You'll have to excuse the messy nature of their doggy bedroom, that's one of our four projects we have planned for the weekend.
Plan #1- Clean the back room (aka the doggy bedroom). This includes: boxing up old books, moving one of the book cases into my room, moving all the other crap either into the garage or taking it to charity.
Plan #2- Begin the bathroom. This includes: doing a major scrub down, buying paint (and obviously painting), recaulking, going to the 'Re' Store to see if there is some sort of cabinet the fit into the sink (hard to explain right now...ask me and I'll tell you what I mean). I think we have pretty much decided what type of feel we are going for in there.
Plan #3- Yard clean up-Phase 1. This includes: Blowing the leaves AWAY from our yard, cleaning up dog leavings from back yard, deciding on how we are going to do the back yard for the near future.
Plan #4- Semi-Spring Cleaning. This includes: putting crap in the attic from back room and else where, cleaning both rooms spotless, and figuring out how the heck to reorganize Tara's room to give her more space.
So a packed full weekend. It looks like a lot but it's not that bad.
Have a great and safe weekend.
Much Love,
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