Totally found it!!! YAY! See, I told you it was possible! Check it out: 

It's exactly what we need, I sort of wish it had a few more shelves in the center of the console table, but beggers can't be choosey. Oh how I love! I would have put the link here...but blogger is being stupid and had me thinking I didn't remember how to do it but thankfully Mim proved to me that I wasn't insane this morning.
And she finally has picked out her tv, we gauged (size wise, definitely not price wise) them at Best Buy and have come to the conclusion nothing smaller than 42" because I'm blind and can't see it. Lol, we make the best excuses.
Unfortunately I don't have much time to write, I have a deadline on the 28th with the IRS. Ick.
Much Love,
You really couldn't make it work huh? Dude get away from Blogger. Blogger blows!
If you switch to wordpress I won't have to type in my web address any more. Oh the possibilities.
Hooray! It's lovely furniture.
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