Inside the mind of Kim...
A separation from the self, with the most severe resulting in Dissociative Identity Disorder. Most of us experience this in very mild forms such as when we are driving long distance and lose time or find ourselves day dreaming longer than we thought. 'Psychology Dictionary-Online- (Ohh have I mentioned how I still keep all my notes from college? Lol)
Anyway, I guess my point of all of this crap, is that no matter how much you have altered yourself, the past is what has made you into the person you are today. And instead of wallowing in the past and giving the whole 'woe is me' spill, learn from it. We all have had traumatic things in our lives, that have shaped and molded us into different people. Sometimes for the better, and sometimes for worse. The best thing to do is to pick yourself up off the floor, dust off your pants and live and learn. I wish someone would have given me that bit of advice about 5 years ago. When I thought my world had completely crashed down around me. And as much pain and strife I have negotiated through, I know that I've come out for the better. I'm happy with the person I am now. I love the people I have brought into my life and I know everyday is a new challenge and some how, I will change again from whatever experience I have from the day; whether it be good or bad. So, How's it going to be?
Tara's Birthday Party

Tara's costume was by far the best. She looked awesome.

Dan, Sarah and Mim...

I like this picture of me and Greg...and no I was not an Arabian anything, I was actually a Renaissance Queen lol.
My mom made Tara a personal birthday cake and it was so cute. She is very talented...I still think she should open a specialty bakery...what do you think?

So all in all it worked out, OH I almost forgot...here are a few pics of Hailey and Woody in their costumes.

How cute are they? Hailey is the Witch and Woody is the Angel...he sort of broke the halo...but the wings were intact.
Well, I guess I will get my house back in order...Have a great Sunday!
Much Love,
Cube News Thursday!
The best movie ever!
Friday Funny!!
Cube News 2- It's Thursday!
Oh and I must give my love to Mim, who has introduced me to Zicam...that crap is WONDERFUL!!!! That is how I have been able to be half alive this past weekend and now. So hopefully today I will get my butt into gear, I need to study for class tomorrow and clean my nasty house. I did do the bathroom Saturday so it isn't that bad. just the rest of the house...*sighs* someone save me from going crazy.
There you go...I love that video btw, ink blots are wonderful and were the best part of abnormal psychology class...next to going to a few places and seeing what we study on pages in real life, really brought it into prospective.
FYI- Mim, I want to go to the Horror Show...want to?
Much Love,
Cube News!!
Today in cube news...Sick people in the office.
I have to just put a link in because the embed sucks.
It's funny and makes a great point, check it out.
You asked...
You may want to scroll to the bottom of my page to turn off my music to hear it. And it has subtitles in spanish... :-)
Much Love,
Why is it so damn hot?
Really didn't do anything until the afternoon, Mim came over and washed Ozzy. Tara went to work, and I went Halloween shopping. I took Tara some dinner at work, and sat with her for a while...while she complained about how much she hated her job, well not really her job, the lack of consideration on her employees part. The poor thing is going to work herself into an early grave. And I wish they would go ahead and start the stuff again for testing her for MS again. And it seems that no one above her (power wise) can understand that somethings she is not going to be able to do. One of which I will explain in the 'Sunday' part of this blog. So I decided that the last venture of the night would be to Wal-Mart, but I'm not allowed to go there by myself (reasons do apply) , so I decided...who haven't I bothered in a while? GREG! Lol, so I called him and I think I pretty much guilted him into coming up there. But as I was waiting for him, my great-uncle and great-aunt showed up...and talked me to death. (My family rarely sees me, I'm not exactly the extended family hanger outer) And I've noticed that it seems everytime I see someone in my extended family, they are always talking about people dying. This particular person (persons) was my great grandpa and that lead to my grandmother...lovely. Then Greg showed up and I was trying to decide on rugs, and blah blah blah. Then we got into a discussion about costumes. So as I stated in one of my previous blogs, I already have my costume. So he threw out an idea for his own...and it was really neat! And I seriously doubt anyone else will be doing it. We stood outside and talked for a while, and said our goodbyes and what not. And I got home and completely crashed...I don't even remember going into the bedroom. Lol. Shopping wears you out! (and laugh it up men...you'll never understand)
Rewinding a bit to what I said about T earlier. T had to work until I guess 11ish on saturday, but then had to be up at 4:30 on Sunday to go work 1st shift. Which is rough...but is possible to do. I woke up at 6, why?! I have no freaking idea but I was up, bright eyed and bushy tailed. (hehe stole that from my mom) Anyway, so I begin to set up and stuff things for the new decorations for the front yard. Tara got home about 1:15ish and she took a nap...sounded good to me so I crashed too. Woke up at 3 and got ready for Brock's birthday party which was at 5pm. Tara took a bit longer to wake up because she's an ass, and would try to beat me up when I kept pestering her. :-) So we get to B's apartment (he shares with Lisa and her daughter) and oh dead Lord, Lisa's entire family was there. I was horrified. And what does T do? Stays for about 20 minutes because she gets called BACK into work at 6pm. So I'm pissed about this for two reasons: 1. She had to go back to work, 2. She left me there...son of a biotch. I tried to play nice with the family, I really really did. It just didn't work very well, because apparently I'm a hateful person...just ask the person who yelled at me at the gas station on friday because I was squinting in his general direction (I had forgotten my glasses and I couldn't see). But I "was looking at him like he was an SOB" in his own words, aka he was an insecure a-hole looking for a fight...he just couldn't handle the one he picked :-). And because I loathe L's sister...I mean it surpasses hatred at this point. Then I get a call from Tara, someone has called out on third shift...and she is probably going to have to work it. Bs...that is complete and utter bs. Someone needs to step up. Anyway, after being constantly nagged by L's brother...(gurr) we cut the cake and all that good stuff.Finally around 8, I fled and brought Tara dinner...again.
Slightly busy weekend, but not that bad. :-)
** the answer to my title- Global Warming...stop using hairspray and recycle! (I'm serious, stop killing our planet)
Much Love,
Wohoo! It's Friday!
This morning, I decided to get some breakfast (I'm tired of cereal). And as I was pulling into the k-mart parking lot, the elusive puppy my ENTIRE work place has been trying to catch was sitting in the middle of a parking place. This was the first time I'd actually seen her up close, and she is too freaking cute!! She's brown and black and has one floppy ear and probably weighs all of 2 lbs. I stopped my car and started talking to her, at first she ran away and as I was driving off she started to follow me, so I stopped again and she amazingly walks up to my car and looks at me. (this is amazing because she always runs from everyone when they try to talk or touch her) So I sit there determined to get her to know me, and she walks even closer and puts her paw on my door. But, just as I was letting her sniff my hand the trash guy came up and scared her. I wanted to kill him! For two months we've been trying to get this dog...TWO MONTHS! I'm seriously thinking of coming up here tomorrow and trying to get her. Even though I would be giving her to a co-worker because my landlord would not allow me to have any more pets. (trust me if my mother would...she'd so be mine, I like little dogs not big ones) I should take a picture of her.
So the reason I haven't been able to post this week has been because our office is having a "virtual pandemic avian flu trail run" No I'm not kidding, that's exactly what they said in the email. So I've been the only person in my group "here" with the exception of my boss. So one is on maternity leave and the other has the virtual flu...give me a break! It has been hell on wheels here. And after quitting a few times...next week should be better, or even great if I'm one of the "chosen few" to have the flu...NO PHONE CALLS!! Which leads me to my next grip.
Apparently there are a few people in my company who want me out of here. No, not like a conspiracy...at least I hope not. But they see it as I am 'not able to perform my tasks in a professional and constant level'. Excuse me?So here is my response completely off the record.
May I remind all of you stuck up narcissistic a-holes something? I'm doing two people's jobs, how about cutting me a little slack. I'm sorry if you feel I did not pass the call to the correct person...but maybe if you were at your desk instead of gossiping about whomever is pregnant or not in the department or outside smoking every two minutes, you would have been there to actually pick the call up; or even better the first two times they called and I was able to calm them down enough to get the information and give you the message maybe had you called them back and helped them, they wouldn't have called four hours later even more pissed off.
AND I'm opening the mail for you and stamping it, for some reason it seems your hands are broken and you can't do it yourself...so do not complain to MY boss that I didn't tell you it was in a fedex envelope or priority mailed, it tells you on the letter you received. OH excuse me, I forgot...I'm your servant and I can't read, just to make you feel a bit more intelligent. When in reality I've had more college experience than you...just in a different and more difficult field of study. Considering the "class" for your license is only a WEEK long before you challenge the state test.
Also, I know I can be a rude person, usually I go into that mode on purpose...but do not critique my customer service or telephone etiquette. I am not rude to people on the phone, I am being forceful to let them know their language or what ever it might be will not be tolerated. I promise I've been in higher positions in companies dealing more with customer service that you could not even grovel to get into when I was a lot younger than I am now. So please spare me with your knife in the back tactics and go pretend to be friendly with someone else.
And now...I feel better :-)
Can't decide what to do this weekend, I know I'm going to help Dana get stuff together at her new apartment. But other than that...I think I'm going to decorate for my favorite holiday...Halloween!! :-D
Much Love,
The computer Gods are angry...and I want to rant!!
Here's my rant: People...stupid people who file claims
Why, why, why, why, why do people insist on filing a claim for something so dumb? Besides the point they may not have coverage. Read your policy people!! And then they come back, yell at me, who has absolutely NOTHING to do with their claims process like I can magically change the wording and make our company pay for their stupidity. Example: Yesterday I had a call about someones business ruining a homeowners residence (hello hippa and I can't give too much info), I mean they tore the place up. Anyway, the insured calls us and I ask the general questions and begin the claims process, and the person gets angry with me because I am unable to set their claim up...which I could have but my co-worker, whose job that is, was here so I can not do anything with the process...but definitely not after you've been a prick with me during question time, they refused to answer most of the questions and even tried to give me an invalid policy number. Here's some information you should all know...just for the future: As in ANY policy you have on say...a car...there are lists of duties that both we, as the insurance company, and you, as the insured, are supposed to withhold. That's pretty much what a policy is, a written promise between us. [see I've been paying attention in class, :-) ] However (!!!) there is also a list of things to do when a claim does occur; if you neglect to do those things we, as the insurance company, have the right to deny your claim. YOU SIGNED THE AGREEMENT!!!! SO the person from our insureds company tells me they are going to do something about the damage, I gently advised them that they should wait until an adjuster has contacted them before they do anything....per their agreement to us. And their representative went stark raving mad on me! He called me every name in the book...so what did I do? I put on the claim report that he was very irate and would not comply with answer questions regarding the claim that could possibly put us in a suit. Which is ALSO a cause for us to deny coverage. So please keep in the back of your mind when you get hit in your car...and you have to call your insurance company, to be as nice as possible and answer the questions as honestly and as complete as possible...could be the difference between getting paid and getting screwed...
:-) and now...I am happy.
Speaking of cars...
Another rant real quick:
Why do people get into a turn lane 20 miles before they are going to turn OR why do people cut you off and THEN turn? It drives me INSANE! Besides the fact that I have road rage anyway. Tara said I have the worst case she's ever seen. Lol. Ok I'm done...lots of work to do when the systems come up.
Much Love
Went shopping for house stuff, then Tara was called into work (even though she felt like hell ran over her) because they are dumb asses and apparently do NOT know how to function without her presence. Brock came over, haven't seen him in so long. And I missed his slapstick sense of humor...he's the male version of Tara, I swear. He tries to act like such a hard person but he really is a wonderful guy and a even better friend. They played ps2 while I play WoW, lol. They need more playdates. :-)
I woke up at 7 o'clock, why? I have no flipping clue! So I decided I would go outside and start filling the holes with dirt and all that good stuff in the back yard, be the domestic goddess that I am and all ;-). After about two hours of that I go back inside for a break and my phone was beeping (someone loves me!! at 8:45 in the morning!) and it was Dana she was wide awake too, so she came over after she was done cleaning her house and brought breakfast, and she (being the insane person she is) helped me and Tara (please keep in mind Tara still can not lift anything because of her knee surgery...wait I don't think I had this blog then and I'm just weak) finish filling holes. We then decided to move the stuff behind the garage to get rid of the boards from the wardrobe we (me and Dana) had broken while moving lol. May I just say, I'm not THAT girly but oh my Lord there were camel crickets EVERYWHERE (also known as hoppys/jumpers in my language) I freaked out...I mean completely lost my crap. It was hilarious for Dana and Tara to watch. Ugh, my skin is crawling remembering it.
This picture is for your viewing pleasure...and imagine about 30 of them hopping around your feet. AHH!

Bleh, anyway... so after we used every single can of bug spray and even starch at one point, they were dead, or so we thought. I was walking over to grab the last board and a few survivors of the onslaught came after me...I, in turn, ran like a girl screaming...dropping the shovel in the process because it was "weighing me down". Tara yelled at me and said to "Never drop your weapon!!! What's wrong with you?"
After that excitement and them making a border around the back of the shed to put some kind of pesticide down (so the dogs wouldn't have their paws burned), we go back inside and hang curtains! Yay...I hate, with a passion, hanging curtains. (These curtains we bought at a yard sale that was benefiting the funeral costs of a man who was killed in a car wreck.) While they hung I was making the shear that would go under the main window in the living room. Cindy (Dana's wifey) came over and as I was sweeping behind the couch, I noticed there was a police car with it's lights flashing at the end of my road. Being the nosey person I am (and I have the excuse we're part of community watch) I go outside and I'm joined by a few more of my neighbors. There were 10...count 'em....10 police vehicles at the end of the road. We also noticed they made the children go inside the houses, and they had the K-9 units out. At that point, none of us really knew what was going on. Drug bust gone awry and someone fled? No, someone shot at and apparently was trying to murder this other guy up the street from us. (missed the other someone btw...the guy had terrible aim) and then fled the scene around our houses!! Isn't that fan-freaking-tastic?! So now, we are having to go and check our cars and our buildings and having to leave the dogs outside to ensure the fact, some madman with a gun doesn't try to bust in. Apparently, they caught the guy because then every single cop began to leave at the same time, or does that mean the gave up? Well, we took it as they caught him, and I'm keeping that mind set.
Then Chris aka Sly came over and hung out while he was in town (he goes to NC State and was in for the weekend) and while I was in the shower they began to play trivial pursuit the '80s edition. And by the time I came out of the shower Brock was over too. So we (and as in we I mean Tara) made them dinner and we played the game and had a great time.
Happy Monday and Happy First Day of October!!
Much Love,