Yesterday when I got home from work (I worked a little late to study for class today) I thought I saw where one of the cats had a hairball *Caution:this is about to get gross, if you have an extremely weak stomach you may want to skip this part of the blog* which was on the floor under my dining room table. So as I go to clean it, clearly grossed out, I realize this isn't vomit...this is feces. So after mumbling a few curses, I realize there's more on the chair...then more on the floor on the way to the litter box. And as I went to clean it up, I noticed didn't look digested, so at first I was like ok...he strained too hard, but when I went to the litter box to check to make sure he didn't have any parasites, there was more blood on the rest of his feces. At that point, I started freaking out. Most certainly this was not normal. So I called my roomie and freaked out and she left work to come to see if I should take him to the emergency vet...because of course the cat is NEVER hurt/sick during normal vet hours. And I called my mom, he was acting fine and there were no parasites in his stool...just some blood. She calmed me the best she could, explaining that more than likely he had been a little constipated. I concurred because it didn't look tarry like it would if there was a serious problem and it didn't look like it had been digested, like it would if there had been a tear in his intestines. So Tara being the great person she is, is going to watch him today and make the decision if we should take him to the vet. Hope you all enjoyed reading this during/or right after having breakfast.:-D
Tomorrow is Friday!! Yay!Much Love,K
mmm apple jacks and cat shit...mmm
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mmm apple jacks and cat shit...mmm
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