Went shopping for house stuff, then Tara was called into work (even though she felt like hell ran over her) because they are dumb asses and apparently do NOT know how to function without her presence. Brock came over, haven't seen him in so long. And I missed his slapstick sense of humor...he's the male version of Tara, I swear. He tries to act like such a hard person but he really is a wonderful guy and a even better friend. They played ps2 while I play WoW, lol. They need more playdates. :-)
I woke up at 7 o'clock, why? I have no flipping clue! So I decided I would go outside and start filling the holes with dirt and all that good stuff in the back yard, be the domestic goddess that I am and all ;-). After about two hours of that I go back inside for a break and my phone was beeping (someone loves me!! at 8:45 in the morning!) and it was Dana she was wide awake too, so she came over after she was done cleaning her house and brought breakfast, and she (being the insane person she is) helped me and Tara (please keep in mind Tara still can not lift anything because of her knee surgery...wait I don't think I had this blog then and I'm just weak) finish filling holes. We then decided to move the stuff behind the garage to get rid of the boards from the wardrobe we (me and Dana) had broken while moving lol. May I just say, I'm not THAT girly but oh my Lord there were camel crickets EVERYWHERE (also known as hoppys/jumpers in my language) I freaked out...I mean completely lost my crap. It was hilarious for Dana and Tara to watch. Ugh, my skin is crawling remembering it.
This picture is for your viewing pleasure...and imagine about 30 of them hopping around your feet. AHH!

Bleh, anyway... so after we used every single can of bug spray and even starch at one point, they were dead, or so we thought. I was walking over to grab the last board and a few survivors of the onslaught came after me...I, in turn, ran like a girl screaming...dropping the shovel in the process because it was "weighing me down". Tara yelled at me and said to "Never drop your weapon!!! What's wrong with you?"
After that excitement and them making a border around the back of the shed to put some kind of pesticide down (so the dogs wouldn't have their paws burned), we go back inside and hang curtains! Yay...I hate, with a passion, hanging curtains. (These curtains we bought at a yard sale that was benefiting the funeral costs of a man who was killed in a car wreck.) While they hung I was making the shear that would go under the main window in the living room. Cindy (Dana's wifey) came over and as I was sweeping behind the couch, I noticed there was a police car with it's lights flashing at the end of my road. Being the nosey person I am (and I have the excuse we're part of community watch) I go outside and I'm joined by a few more of my neighbors. There were 10...count 'em....10 police vehicles at the end of the road. We also noticed they made the children go inside the houses, and they had the K-9 units out. At that point, none of us really knew what was going on. Drug bust gone awry and someone fled? No, someone shot at and apparently was trying to murder this other guy up the street from us. (missed the other someone btw...the guy had terrible aim) and then fled the scene around our houses!! Isn't that fan-freaking-tastic?! So now, we are having to go and check our cars and our buildings and having to leave the dogs outside to ensure the fact, some madman with a gun doesn't try to bust in. Apparently, they caught the guy because then every single cop began to leave at the same time, or does that mean the gave up? Well, we took it as they caught him, and I'm keeping that mind set.
Then Chris aka Sly came over and hung out while he was in town (he goes to NC State and was in for the weekend) and while I was in the shower they began to play trivial pursuit the '80s edition. And by the time I came out of the shower Brock was over too. So we (and as in we I mean Tara) made them dinner and we played the game and had a great time.
Happy Monday and Happy First Day of October!!
Much Love,
Aw I wish I hadn't felt like death warmed over yesterday. That sounded like a lot of fun! Next time you must call us...promise?
Will do.
Jeez, I think "eventful weekend" has been a bit of an understatement lately, huh...
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