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So, I've had a lot of people either write me or question me about why I am so headstrong about Global Warming. So I tried to post a blog yesterday but my computer hated me. There are so many signs pointing to the destruction our of planet. But there are very few people trying to change it. Even the smallest change in your life can make a difference. Recycle, use 'real' plates as opposed to paper, plant some trees. We need to stand up and protect ourselves. Guys, it's October and it was 93 degrees yesterday. If that does not scream something's wrong, I don't think anyone can convince you. We are in a severe drought, the worst ever. They are able to break through the ice at both the North and South pole, the two coldest point on the earth. Wake up. With saying that, here's the video I tried to post yesterday. *Please remember, this is our planet. We need to take care of it, as it has us for so long.

You may want to scroll to the bottom of my page to turn off my music to hear it. And it has subtitles in spanish... :-)

Much Love,

1 comment:

Mim said...

For a second I thought the video was going to be from Futurama where they're getting around global warming by placing a large ice cube in the ocean every year. :)