Went to the carousel festival with T and had the BEST Irish Oat Bread...ever! And of course my dirty secret obsession...the Carousel! Here are a two outtakes from the festival:
And yes that is a real parrot on the magician's shoulder, he was neat and even had a peg leg :-D
So, then about 5:30ish Dan and Mim came over for our first "real" cookout/puppy playdate. Drinking margaritas until sundown and then went inside to play the Wii...carnival game style. I LOVE that game!
Sunday was my dad's birthday and I had called him while Dan and Mim were over Saturday night, because I had (also known as: was in the process of making) made him a CD of songs he 'used' to like, I say used to because I'm not really sure what he likes now...this is from what I remember as a kid and what my mom could remember, and he then let me know that apparently there was going to be a birthday party in his honor at a local seafood restaurant. Thanks for letting me know ahead of time...mind you this is at 8 o'clock at night, the party was at 2pm the following evening. Ok fastforward back to Sunday. I get to the restaurant late because T's program on the laptop was being crappy and wouldn't rip the music AND because I got cut off by a man well into his 100's and shouldn't still have a driver license and went...15, I'm not kidding, 15mph down church street! OH I forgot, this is my dad:

So I finally get there and I'm not even hungry at this point, and his wife...did not come. I sat there quietly the entire meal. And I told Dad my dilemma with what I had made him and that I would give it to him sometime during the week.
So I leave his party and go with Tara BACK to the festival to see if we could find more of the Oat Bread. As we walk in, I run into a Teri...who I recently have reconnected with, then suddenly Sly aka Chris shows up behind us, getting creepy for me so I make a hasty exit towards the food stands. Guess what...NO oat bread :-( The little Irish guy wasn't there. So as we are turning to leave, I see green hair. Not just any green hair, green hair that belonged to the Joker...who was also known as Greg. At this point, I'm seriously confused so I tell (notice I didn't say asked) Tara we are going to walk past to see if that's really him. Creepy...very creepy. I hate clowns and I hate the mere existence of clowns...and now...a friend of mine is dressed as the most evil psychopath clown known. Wonderful. So after I do a heel turn and begin to dial the phone, Tara says "I want to take a picture", I kept my back turned to keep from freaking and she went to take a picture of him and wonder woman. It took every ounce of restraint not to run screaming, as we were walking away from him another friend from high school stopped me with her son. I felt like I was at a reunion, lol. And I believe I made a mistake when I played with her son...because I believe it was that fateful moment I came into contact with whatever bug I had later on Sunday night into Monday.
We left and came home and Jana came over and we decided to do Tara's hair...oh this is some wonderful blackmail photos btw.

And then I got sick, which sucked. I'm caught up.
Time to work...or at least pretend to ;-)
Much Love,
It was awesome seeing the two of you, even if I did scare the living crap out of you...
Hey, want to try a different kind of playdate tonight and go to Target?
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