

I have now gotten my cousin addicted to blogger. And I'm very proud of myself, considering it's Mim's fault I have one. She drug me away from my myspace hermiting ways and here I am :-D and I even have facebook now. (Technically that is Christie's fault) Here's a link to my cousin's page http://christie3984.blogspot.com/. She has inturn gotten my sister addicted, here's her link http://nclz4u.blogspot.com/. Lol. So now you have to deal with my entire family on here. Be afraid...be very afraid.

Btw Scott-- I'm still waiting to go see Beowulf *ahem*

Much Love,


Christie said...

Hee hee..it's always my fault right? LOL Now instead of just checking one (my space), or even two (facebook)...I have to check THREE....gee thanks Kim. :0)

Miriam said...

Blogging is awesome and you love it...I don't want to hear it!


Stubbs said...

Beowulf *ahem* done... Next?