How exciting is it that Beowulf is finally coming out!?!
Here's the website for the film Come hell or high water, I'm seeing this movie today. Period. I don't care if I have to go by myself! Lol. It has a great cast and it should be awesome. I remember reading this story in school, and it was one of my favorite. My roomie has to work 3rd shift tonight, so I'm fairly sure I can talk her into going. She's a dork like I am.
I know I haven't really written about this, but yesterday was my initial interview with B&BW. I had turned in my application on Monday and she stopped me before I even hit the door asking me to come back in for it. It was a strange process though, there were three other people there and we all sat in the stock room in a semi-circle. Then we had to bring in one of our favorite items in the store (that was one of the hardest decisions in my life, lol) and then when we were introducing ourselves we had to explain why this was our favorite item and how we would sell it to people. She tripped me up on one particular question though, "What do YOU think is the difference between servicing the customer and to sale to the customer". Seems like an easy question right?'s not. Anyone who has ever worked in retail knows, there is a very fine line between the two. You can service and cater to someones needs but you still have to push your products in some form or another. It doesn't matter what your "mission statement" says, your job is to sell. It caught me off guard a little. And I know I came across as a pushy salesman, but unfortunately it's the truth. There is no way to sugar coat that part. My job is to sale you our products, however, by doing so...I will find out what you like and what you do not like and I usually can adapt and find something to show you that should meet your needs. So, needless to say the other younger girl in the room blew me out of the water (Did I mention I had to go first in front of them?) *purposely* saying that "You have to met the needs of the customer over the needs of the store." I have two problems with this answer: 1. Damn you...that's a good friggin' answer to give 2. No! See my above statement. SO I bombed it. :-( And I'm sad. I am not even looking for this call back. Although the only thing I really had going for me is the fact that I had the most experience in retail and management in retail than anyone else there. And I did answer the other questions alright, I suppose. But I'm not getting my hopes up. Bleh.
Hope you all have a great Friday and a spectacular weekend!
Much Love,

I know I haven't really written about this, but yesterday was my initial interview with B&BW. I had turned in my application on Monday and she stopped me before I even hit the door asking me to come back in for it. It was a strange process though, there were three other people there and we all sat in the stock room in a semi-circle. Then we had to bring in one of our favorite items in the store (that was one of the hardest decisions in my life, lol) and then when we were introducing ourselves we had to explain why this was our favorite item and how we would sell it to people. She tripped me up on one particular question though, "What do YOU think is the difference between servicing the customer and to sale to the customer". Seems like an easy question right?'s not. Anyone who has ever worked in retail knows, there is a very fine line between the two. You can service and cater to someones needs but you still have to push your products in some form or another. It doesn't matter what your "mission statement" says, your job is to sell. It caught me off guard a little. And I know I came across as a pushy salesman, but unfortunately it's the truth. There is no way to sugar coat that part. My job is to sale you our products, however, by doing so...I will find out what you like and what you do not like and I usually can adapt and find something to show you that should meet your needs. So, needless to say the other younger girl in the room blew me out of the water (Did I mention I had to go first in front of them?) *purposely* saying that "You have to met the needs of the customer over the needs of the store." I have two problems with this answer: 1. Damn you...that's a good friggin' answer to give 2. No! See my above statement. SO I bombed it. :-( And I'm sad. I am not even looking for this call back. Although the only thing I really had going for me is the fact that I had the most experience in retail and management in retail than anyone else there. And I did answer the other questions alright, I suppose. But I'm not getting my hopes up. Bleh.
Hope you all have a great Friday and a spectacular weekend!
Much Love,
1 comment:
Extra X-mas money? I have heard nothing about this. And that question? Hella hard.
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