
FEAR--As done by Mim

So here we go, the top 5 things I'm afraid of aside from the obvious ones.

1. I'm terrified of the interstate. No, not the big rigs driving on it. The interstate in general scares me. The thought of I can't really get off unless there's an exit freaks me out. I like control, you barely have any when your on the interstate. With the addition of my uncle and a few friends were killed while on the interstate, and I guess in my mind that makes me feel like the risk is higher being on the interstate and being in a deadly car accident.

2. I'm actually afraid of dogs. I know you wouldn't think that being I have two in my house hold. But any dogs that I do not know, I'm afraid of. And the saying is true, animals can definitely smell your fear. Example: Mim's dog Ozzy when we were first introduced. He wasn't comfortable because I wasn't.

3. I know we aren't supposed to put "Normal" phobias/fears. But my fear of Clowns is crazy. And this actually didn't arise until I was much older. And I have a firm belief that this stemmed from having to study Gacy, and then of course, there were movies and a certain book that shall go unnamed. It has taken me about 8 years to be able to look at pictures of a Clown without bursting into tears and trying to run away. (This does not apply to scary looking clowns btw) However, bring a person dressed in a clown suit...and I'll be long gone with only a trail of dust behind me.

4. I'm afraid of "ghosts" now before you say..."oh ha ha...then why do you watch ghost hunters?" it isn't the ghost that I'm afraid of it's the apparition itself that I'm not too keen on. I'm seriously afraid to look up from a book/computer/getting out of the shower and something being there that wasn't there minutes before. If that makes sense. Not that I wouldn't want to see it, just don't like the caught off guard aspect of it. If I'm actually out looking for it, I'm fine with the idea.

5. Finally, I'm terrified of germs. Not just any germs, but certain viruses. It's part of my OCD. I'm constantly washing my hands, cleaning the toilet after people are over at the house, etc. Because I'm afraid of getting a virus or a germ that is able to be spread. Example: I will not touch the "womanly products" box because I'm afraid of catching an STD. Ask my room mate, I once called her because I had touched the one at work by accident and I was convinced I had AIDS for two weeks. It's crazy! Lol, and not one of those things that I'm particularly proud of.

So there you go, now you really know how strange I am. :-D I'm with Mim, I'm interested to know what everyone else is afraid of...no matter how quirky (hello I'm afraid of getting STDs from a toilet seat. Can't get much stranger) so let me know!

Much Love,

1 comment:

Miriam said...

Really? You were afraid of Ozzy? I did not know that!
