I know I forgot to mention I decided to have an impromptu (Disclaimer: My impromptu is actually like a week in advance...or at least 3 days...I'm too calculating of a person to actually be the true meaning of impromptu) yard sale tomorrow, so after her bath I ran around trying to get everything ready. I hung up signs everywhere I could think to. And when I got home, I realized I haven't spoken to my roomie at all today...this is a strange occurrence. We usually touch base at least once a day. So I called her, and she didn't answer but eventually called me back. And I reminded her about the yard sale tomorrow and she then tells me "I have to be up at 5 anyway" my response 'Why?', Tara "Because I have to work a double tomorrow", at that point I just burst into tears. It's so stupid and juvenile but sometimes, I just feel so alone in things that I do. It's not her fault, I feel like that about a lot of things. But this time, I feel really let down. I'm going to be doing this alone. Like when we were moving to this house...I did the majority of it myself. I swear they can not function at her work without her there or on the phone, and she questions why she isn't with someone. She never has the chance to go out and meet the right girl...that her friends approve of ;-) lol or at least her room mate does ;-). My mom actually finds that strange that I say that; but my argument is, if I live here and I'm going to have to be around this person a lot...I should have a say about how I feel and tell her my honest opinion of the vibes I get off the person, right?
Anyway, I'll let everyone know how it goes tomorrow...and if you know where I live, come buy my crap :-D
Here are the pics of Oreo :-)

This was her "GET OUT OF MY FACE" look btw. Lol.
Have a great night!
1 comment:
Geez. I freaking hate Tara's work. Hate Hate Hate. I didn't know you were having a yard sale. Damn. In the Spring Dan and I would like to have a yard sale...but we don't have a yard. Joint yard sale?
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