
Here we are...

another blog spot...like I really need one. Haha.

So I guess we should do the introducing part of this real quickly so everyone has a background and whatever blogs will come in the future.

This is my room mate Tara (and me at our friend's wedding a couple weeks ago)

She drives me insane and I still swear she was put on this Earth to do so. :-)

This is Mom (and you can all call her that...she's used to it) and my step-dad John.

More than likely my stories will revolve around something to do with these two (well really three) key players, but if a new player occurs I will include a pic of them too.

So I guess that's it for now...get out of here...go!

Have a great day!


Mim said...

Yay! New Blogs for me! You're going on my links page!

cmrpaul said...

Mine too! A big welcome w0000t to you:)