Ok, so this blog is dedicated to a couple of weekends ago. I had two closes friends of mine get married and I figured...I should probably write about that, Lol.
So first up Jana's Wedding:
Jana, bless her heart, had been put through the ringer trying to get this wedding to happen. The groom's parents were being a-holes and I honestly think if the preacher had given the chance for someone to object they would have. She was beautiful, and her daughter was beautiful and everything was (ugh) beautiful, hehe. I guess the defining moment was when her daughter sang, I would have been fine had she not, hush Tara. I seriously bawled, it was ludicrous! I have never cried so hard at a flipping wedding!! Anyway, It was wonderful and the colors she had chosen were gorgeous. Here's a snapshot from that day:
So we leave Jana's wedding, completely pooped because the night before was (for me) Mim's Bachelorette Party and (for Tara) Dan's Bachelor Party.

And no, I am not linking any other pictures to that, go to my myspace to see 'em there are too many.
So now Sunday arrives, and it's Dan and Mim's Wedding. And we picked up Ozzy on Saturday after Jana's Wedding, poor little guy. So we watch everyone walk in and the music starts and Mim and her dad start to walk down.
Seen Here: (and sorry I didn't have my flash on so it's a horrible picture)

And all of a sudden I hear this giggle/hysterical laugh coming out of Mim, now to the untrained ear it may have sounded like a normal giggle of happiness for her big day...this, however, sounded like a "I'm about to kill someone" giggle. Which obviously alarmed me, and all of her friends, lol. So, as she approaches Dan you hear a "Hi Honey!" Lol, it was too cute...so the ceremony goes on and now they are married and blah blah blah mushy mushy mush blah blah. And here they are married :-) And once again the flash thing wasn't happening, so they look orange lol.

Her dress was adorable!!
So we're waiting for their pictures to be made, and I got bored and started taking pictures of random people...like this one I made Tara take of me and Sly aka Chris.

Couldn't take his damn sunglasses off for one picture?!
The reception was hilarious, it really was. Dan made us wear our World of Warcraft (because we're dorks) t-shirts (btw For the Horde!)

and this started a debate as to which was better Horde or Alliance...obviously the Horde is.
:-D So it was getting late and they had to make a fake exit so we could blow our bubbles and be happy and we could get to the after party.

Mim looks like she's trying to eat the bubbles in this picture, Lol.
Luckily no one took pictures at the after party :-)
Luckily no one took pictures at the after party :-)
And I'm tired again from just reliving it here. Whew.
Well back to work I go. :-) Have a great day!
I'm still tired from everything having to do with my wedding. :) It sure was fun though.
Yea, and good thing I didn't come the after-party because there would have been pics... ]:)
Sounds to me more like "what happens at the bachelorette party, stays at the bachelorette party...
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